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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Think this might just about top favourite for me: And just for variety the Bowie LP with his bit naff version of I Keep Forgetttin' (Ziggy it aint!)
  2. Best soul Live act I've seen I think; This is a good listening album: I Can't Break Away I Only Get This Feeling Through All Times Put A Little Love Away Roller Coaster Maybe This Will Be The Morning Talk A Little Less Slowly But Surely If That's The Way You Want It Just A Little Tear If Only You Believe
  3. This was a regular play at one time. I've still got time for it now:
  4. Just sooo damn cool that, thanks for posting, made my day.
  5. Swifty - I think your ethical dilema is about to be increased, as you may now find people looking for them and placing bids. I'm sat at a pc at the moment writing some education drivel, coming on here occasionally to keep my sanity: Does this help: Pring offers a distinction between morals; "concerned with what is right or wrong thing to do.", and ethics; "philosophical enquiry into the basis of morals or moral judgement" :sleep3: . In the end it's up to you I think, and that's speaking as someone who very often waits until the last 5 seconds to bid. I think we can be a little guilty of taking ebay too serious sometimes, as a seller you want the most without misleading someone, as a buyer you want the bargain. I was talking to someone at work about ebay buying (not records in this case), he offered a seller a couple of buy it now offers which she turned down on principal. He ended winning the item (collect only) for min bid. Went round to collect and she was refusing to give it him for the min bid wanting to revert to the offer he made by email! I know this isn't helping, I'm just bored.
  6. It is a funny old business ins't it. " Quite sure it's an original": does any other market operate like this? Not questionning the seller. What i do find amazing is the migration of vinyl around the world. I believe that it's quite possible for a UK boot to end up in a thrift sale in US in the mid 80s. I've got a dark blue 70s boot of this somewhere, I'll see if I can find it out and check the dimples and numbers. If you've paid the price of an original is it ok to play a boot out ?
  7. Anorak reply - there are 2, different numbers in the run out. Either would be £100+
  8. Looks like it didn't go either time unless he/she has a box full . . . . unless I've fallen for a cunning plan and the object of the game is simply to get a conversation going before listing it with postage to UK
  9. Not thought about it until now, don't recall seeing many promo copies??
  10. Thanks Mark, didn't know about that. Is there anyone in US prepared to act as a postage address for me For a fee? Doesn't happen often!
  11. Now realised scanner is bloody black and white only scanner - back to photos: A Youth Club Classic
  12. Just got access to a scanner so playing a little here:
  13. Just found out my partner's printer is a scanner. I can feel the sense of commitment growing! Graet thing about these threads, made me look back in a box, forgot I had this and it is really really good, in fact better than that.
  14. Saw this go through ebay tonight https://www.ebay.com/itm/110777022107?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 LOU COURTNEY NORTHERN SOUL 45 WATCHED YOU SLOWLY SLIP AWAY 1965 ORIG. UNPLAYED Shipping: Not Available to United Kingdom Finished at 2 bids $20.50 How much more for the trouble to post to UK?
  15. Just won a couple of days ago . . . Sorry no camera at moment, posted pic from ebay. Canadian Since You've Been Loving Me.
  16. Tried to get to five Soul hairs on the back of the neck - Idris Muhammad (Sakina's vocal) - I'm a Believer (Gospel soul that makes me want to believe in a god) Gayle Harris - Aint Gonna Let It Get Me Down Johnny Copeland - The Invitation (or the flip would do too) Little Milton - Driftin' Drifter and just for the vocal power that goes through you like a neutrino through butter Roy Hamilton - The Panic Is On. Probabaly change my mind tomorrow.
  17. Whilst pondering and thinking of several northern records. I thought I'd post this instead. Not sure how to differentiate 'Blues' and 'Soul', and I'm again guilty of stating the bloody obvious. But . . . .turn off the lights of an evening, play this, look out of a window and try not well up and collapse inside!
  18. Must be two of the first I purchased, only on issues tho'
  19. Before I die I would like a S35009 (stuff Frank wilson), never seen but think its out there, Earl Van Dyke - All for you on SOUL
  20. Thanks Mike, mine arrived, best wishes, Dean
  21. Superb scans, brilliant - makes it worth coming on here for stuff like this. Thanks for sharing
  22. Do like this label variation Amazed at prices - $17 (£10) off ebay 9/10/11

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