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Everything posted by Dean

  1. UK Stateside Breakout LP with Mitch and the Detroit Wheels standing on cars in a junk yard on the cover. Put it on ebay about 4 month ago (I think) and as I recall only one bid.
  2. 3 more if you've the patience: Another obvious addition, but the Lp is better than just the one track, although for me Lend a hand will always have a place. Worth a mention, although prob not top 20, just sharing! This would be the last LP I would sell, not for The Bottle, but for the beautiful music throughout, strangely the album titled Winter in America doesn't contain the track Winter in America. Hadn't realised that Mitch Ryder album JM autioned last week was so rare, sold one on ebay recently for about £10! Oh well, live and learn
  3. Looked through and haven't seen these mentioned yet: Fingers put me onto The Jaedes, couple of stand out tracks to play incl What'll it take to Make You Happy, but a good listening album that aside, also includes a very cool version of Color Him Father. I think this is an outstanding LP, not only for the wll known 45 numbers but also the wonderfully playable version of 96 Tears (LP only?) I love Shorty's laid back delivery, but including this for the obvious Baby Come Home to Me. No comment needed apart from why hasn't this been included already (or have I missed it)?
  4. Am out tonight swifty but seem to think I may have a spare (doesn't look good but plays fine), if I have and can find it I'll post it on. Do me a good turn in return some day. By the way don't let this post stop anyone offering a sale, I'm not sure - only thinking I have one that may do until a better copy shows up.
  5. Think I put this on another thread a time ago. Picking up on the "random" and "no apparent reason" - I very often find myself singing Linda and The Funky Boys - Climbing the Steps of Love, and can't undertsand why. Ok the odd time there may be a lyric link, if it's Monday morning or if I'm climbing stairs, but Thursday afternoon waiting at a Tram stop in Nottingham???? Maybe I'm finally getting religion? Praise the Lord.
  6. Just reflecting on Sean's 3 above. I don't mean this in any way dismissive of the thread as I've enjoyed going through the tunes but I think the majority of Kent Select releases fit the bill of the original thread.
  7. There are many records that my mind tells me I appreciate more, for rarity, obscurity, dancefloor memories, personal memories, hairs-on-the-back-of -the-neck soul shiver, but in the spirit of the original post (I hope) the one that I never seem to tire of, no matter when or where, is Laura Lee - To Win Your Heart. I've never thought of it as my favourite and wouldn't claim it is now, as other favourites have come and gone and some I thought I'd never tire of then have, I don't seem to loose any affection for this record.
  8. Didn't think of that, wonder if that's got something to do with it?
  9. Is anyone else noticing problems with USA to UK postage? The reason I ask is that in the last 5 years I've got 1010 ebay purchases, 1000 of those must be records with an estimate 80% or more from USA. In all those I've had 1 not turn up (lucky I know), until this last month. In the last few weeks I've had a nice Ohio Players compass demo You Don't Mean It / Trespassin' not turn up and I've got 3 more 45s that are very very late with concerns. Just wondering if it's a run of bad luck or something else? Dean. Quick Edit, if Anne sees this the added 0s are just a typo
  10. Always presumed this was the side for Chris Hamilton. Could benefit from being pitched down a bit, played it at home on 33 by mistake and thought it was a good beat ballad!
  11. Two more slightly random choices, just looking through a box . . . Ben and Spence is well worth a spin: And Ellie Greenwich can do no wrong for me;
  12. Whilst I think this sounds just as good today . . . .
  13. Very much of its time but a soft spot in my memory for this.
  14. Already mentioned I know, and not difficult of course, but for those like me who thrive on labels and looks.
  15. So often heard Don Gardner version but this doesn't seem to be on the radar, perhaps too similar.
  16. The less obvious one! (Plus I don't have the other)
  17. 1 minute 51 seconds of guilty pleasure!
  18. 2 buy it now on ebay but sorry both on re-issue Underground label not United Artist
  19. 2 more Mitch Ryder tunes played in the past:
  20. Great home play, but I'm a sucker for the big beat ballad these days:
  21. Often overlooked but personally I think it's got Latino / Soul dance legs: Thinking of which - never seen an issue?
  22. Peronal favourite. Better known (I think) for the Hang Up The Phone side, but I much prefer Any Kind Of Love. Was going to sell issue when I picked up the promo but they go so cheap not worth selling, prefer to double up on this one.
  23. The Flip side of Ron Holden is well worth a play, overlooked in the uptempo day of its fame but sounding good now:

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