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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Enjoyed doing that many times, just to feel part of it on auction sites. Then there's been a couple of times I've been really shocked to win when I thought I was just playing along!
  2. Thought about playing it if it fits into a set. Am just curious did you fade it at the language change from English to Spanish or play the whole track? No criticism just interested, Dean.
  3. Good luck Franc, I offered a Masterkeys 3 days ago, posted on thread and PM, and haven't had any response. I'm presuming the answers no, but a response is sometimes nice!
  4. I think I may have been out on my initial evaluation Dave, I was thinking about £800 for a good one. But just out of interest I ahd a look on popsike, i know not the most reliable at times but thought this was as beautiful as it was interesting: (image taken from website) Went for $1825 back in 2004 (not sure what the $/£ rate was then but I'm thinking £1100), and given rarity I'd expect that tag to have increased rather than decreased. Wish I had that one!! So guessing the price of the one from ebay with the crack (if it does play ok as stated) may not have been too bad at 20% - 25% ? I appreciate the different opions, and thanks for the responses. Some people clearly wouldn't touch a damaged record (you looking Steve Lydon?) but rarity has to be taken into account IMO.
  5. Echo the sentiment of all the above. It certainly is habit forming, it makes for a break from work and my partner now actually believes me when I say I'm just on Soul Source again! Thank you to Mike and all involved.
  6. Saw the programme (missed first few mins), did focus on poitical angle and aspects of his music but great insight into the man with some very good live footage of his music and poetry. But I am a bit of a fan so would see it as good. Wasn't setting out to watch it all but just became engrossed.
  7. Got a very clean Ex Sport DJ copy of The Masterkeys for £50 + postage
  8. Got an RCA demo i could part with but I don't think it would come up to Ex, VG+ but shy of Ex, also note some biro on flip slide label. Label has very minor ring wear mark on raised edge, vinyl VG++, plays clean. Just mentioning in case you don't get a better offer. £40 + postage. No worries if you prefer not to, you clearly state Ex, just giving the chance.
  9. Was folowing this with interest: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390653217264?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649#ht_3344wt_1121 Really rate the tune and recognise it's scarcity but saw this (Jessie James - Are you Gonna Leave Me; shirley records) went for over £300 on ebay, VG- writing on label (substantial felt pen) and cracked, but does state plays great. Are there some records where scarcity overrides the negative consideration of a cracked record? Whilst there are many records where the proportional price difference between a mint copy and a battered copy is quite considerable, perhaps that proportion doesn't hold so much with rarer records. What would you expect for a VG+/Ex copy of Jessie James - £800+?
  10. Postage to Uk £2, Europe £4, rest of world £5, first class, nothing here worth recorded delivery! 2 or 3 for 1 postage on multi-buys. Gene and Jerry, You Just Can't Win, Mercury (This is Gene Chandler and Jerry Butler) Ex Tyrone Davis, I Wanna Be Good Company, Hit Sound VG Joe Jeffrey, The Train, Wand VG- Clarence Reid, I Refuse To Give Up, wand VG+ Nino Tempo & 5th Ave Sax, Sister James, A&M VG+The Glories, I Stand Accused, date Radio Station copy VG+ (Ex but for 4 small x on label) Johnny And The Expressions, Boys and Girls Together, josie VG+ £2 each record, just need some space so starting to clear out. State on thread or pm if wanted. Paypal preferred.
  11. Didn't expect Ellen & The Shandels to go for that!
  12. Apologies if I'm posting too many, but had to get this rather obvious one in . . . . . been to too many funerals over the last few years. Hard to not quote the whole song for this, and is there anyone who has been on a floor just before daybreak who thought this song wasn't just for them, and felt moved to their bones: "As I sit here looking at the street, little figures quickly moving feet, I'm just a pebble on the beach and I sit and wonder why, Little people running around never knowing why, Life is just a precious minute baby . . . . . . . " You really could just quote the whole song. Tobi Legen - Time Will Pass You By Heart rendering lyrical beatifully performed lyrics with passion and sincerity
  13. Ernie i agree with the spirit of your rant, but £750 for Mel Britt ? ? ? My ceiling is around £300 but I'd look twice at a Mel Britt for £750
  14. I was thinking of that one too but I could keep going too long . . . . good call though
  15. I'll grab another bite at this cherry! Prepared to be honest . . . Been reading a bit at the moment about whilst venues like wigan were not the place for "picking-up" the opposite sex, many relationships came out of long-term friendships and mutual experiences: It would be 1981, a long friendship with Cathy (second name witheld out of respect!) led to a longer affair and relationship that all began with these words: "Yah!, So we share our lovers embraces, Yah! In the dark of hidaway places, Yah! Where no eyes recognise our faces, Me here hiding lying, But these Stolen Hours are such golden hours, I'd be willing to pay any price for these moments of our paradise" Patrice Holloway - Stolen Hours. Also reminds me of JB (Phil Woods RIP), who smiled at the significance of that with me every time we heard it after those times. And for a brief time paradise it was, all-nighters and stolen passion, . . . . . . still in touch after all these decades, that's the scene we had/have. Some apology for the sentimentality, but only a half-hearted apology. The lyrics of these songs have been the soundtrack to our lives.
  16. I'll grab an obvious one before anyone else does: a) "You've had your warning, Now I'm leaving walking away from you, HA! I don't want no woman always telling me what to do, if you think you're the boss I'll show you what I can do . . . . . " b) I'm Gone Eddie Parker C) Aged 54, moved in with my partner of a few years just 5 weeks ago. Successfully raised son (aged 23) daughter (17), by successful I mean well balanced human beings with respect for all. Fiercely independent lifestyle over many years, lots of partners some good, some not so. Losing myself in this tune on a floor felt like justifying my existence at different times. Hoping now my partner is cool with the 7" brown packages that will be dropping through our shared door! d) Not sure what you mean here, name and location of where the tune meant most? Any nighter with space on floor, but does have a special memeory of a quieter night at wigan, with space on the floor, having recently left a relationship.
  17. I think this is rarer than generally thought on Etah, I was searching for a while to pick one up (thaks to SteveL for the text that put me onto one), never even seen one on columbia in the flesh (or in the vinyl so to speak). Must have spent 3 years looking on lists and name search on ebay, came across only 3 or 4 Etah issues during that time, one battered.
  18. Not sure if I'm responding correctly Sylvia as it's not clear what post you're referring to. If it's to the thread in general, I wasn't trying to interpret the soul scene. There's not enough therapists for that one. Old order of dancers? Not sure about that? New order who play rare and underplayed, not sure about that too? I'm not generalising on age and experience, more on outlook, which I acknowledge is a fairly crass generalisation in itself. Your point about venue is well made, which is part of the the discussion behind this question posed int he first post: "Is it possible to run a rare/underplayed night (whatever that conjours in your imagination) in a venue with a half-empy (at best) dancefloor?" It's my opinion that many collectors /Djs have been or in some cases (god bless Joan) still are dancers. That's most people's roots in this scene, just at different times. I don't lump all soulies together (if your comments refer to the post at the start of the thread), it's more about recognising the different tribes and interests attending soul nights. I do acknowledge making some assumtions though "There's a mixed crowd attending, and here I'm going to make some crass presumptions". Whilst there will always be exceptions I think there is a strong link between those wearing an NS uniform as identification and a greater appreciation of top 500 type oldies. And before you baggie wearing folk jump to your keyboards, of course there are exceptions, and there are those within that style group who have long impeccable history and credentials. The night that sparked this discussion played many many great tunes, I could not find a complaint in me about the music played. The thread isn't about one night. It's a question as to whether rare/underplayed nights can sustain themselves in a dancehall venue, and the counter culture side of that discussion as to whether, because of the (my presumption) inevitable presssure to play to a floor, with the prominence (whilst not exclusive!) of a retro-clothed dance scene in strong number preferring to dance to top 500 type oldies, dancefloor venues will gravitate to an oldies playlist? I think there's some good strong points made in the posts above about how an event is promoted, and the tenacity of promoters to stick to their intention. Look, nobody is going to go to Mick H's Up front Rare Nottingham Trentside day/nights and expect to hear top 500. Mick H is big enough (reputation and physical!) to not waver on that. Lifeline nighters - you know what you were going to get, and other more up front soul nights/nighters (don't want to try and run through a list). But there's a host of soul nights out there that may struggle between intentions, attendance, and dance floor reactions. I think it can difficult to play less well known tunes, but bloody good tunes, to emptyish floors thinking / hoping that those not dancing are still enjoying the soul of the music. It then becomes too easy to put the same oldie on again and feel good for filling the floor, ignoring the vast wealth of really good quality soulful tunes that are buried in boxes whilst we drop and spin to the same tunes over and over again. I wonder if this will make sense in the morning, just back from Goodies 50th birthday and a few beers at the John Cockle Mansfield, oldies central
  19. Don't say that buddy, it's just going to make for an embarrassed silence when you get one for Christmas along with your Northern Soul dancing lessons i'm saving up for to buy you.
  20. Just to validate the discussion, I've had a really good pm conversation around this on the back of this thread, which included this comment about a soul night: Started with planned set, played 4 or 5 and then ditched that based not so much on dance floor but on comments from punters coming up to the stage - requests for ********** etc. and quite a bit of "can you play something we know". So - I didn’t play most of what I intended to. Thought it was an interesting comment to add to discussion that I'm sure we've all heard of at some time? I'm sure we could question how the night was advertised, but given the DJs this night would in my mind have not been an expected top 500 oldies night.
  21. We're onto degrees of numptiness now. At some age we should have developed more discerning tastes. Young Hipster Mods (get me) buying a bag is like me wearing high waistband pleated multi zipped Oxford bags at 15 / 16. Thought I was cool and with the in-crowd! At that time Hipsters were what the girls who always ignored me wore. Not convinced I can adequately argue the case for either numpty after the age of 20!

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