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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Quadrophenia did result in loads of parkas turning up at Wigan. Remember being in a typical sweaty Ms one night next to some lads dressed for an arctic storm. Get ready for groups of investment bankers with no youth history and no idea turning up dressed for the part. Although they'd fit in at many East Mids nights.
  2. Tenuous I know, but it is linked to a soul record. Recently picked up Willie Mitchell's Driving Beat LP on Hi, at a good price from USA including tracked postage. I'm used to the "Your item has been dispatched" type messages but gawped at first sight of this message on my work email: Hi Dean, Willie crossed the counter at our local post office this morning by USPS media mail with delivery confirmation.
  3. Sad news, fitting tribute by you though. So pleased he got to know that his sound was appreciated.
  4. I love this little piece of gospel northern, written by J Jame, sung by J Jame, on J J Records.
  5. I like Adele and think she's a class act, but listening to Aretha, then Adele after, reminds me (should I need reminding) just how brilliant Aretha is still.
  6. Love it and respect for putting together. Personally I can't wait until some egos start to feel excluded as the project develops. Think it should be similar to how politics should be structured, feeling you deserve to be included should be the best reason for being excluded. Look forward to seeing more.
  7. Hi Paul, did you find a Chris Hamilton, sure I have one somewhere if you still need one. Let me know and I'll give you a price. Best wishes, Dean.
  8. Perhaps a Soul Source support group for the vinyly addicted? I'm considering going through old boxes and re-posting stuff to myself I haven't played for years to try to break the habit of waiting for those sweet little brown packages.
  9. If you're independently wealthy, there's one on Manship's auction latest additions!
  10. I've got a clean Buttercup promo (not black/white, it's purple yellow promo), with Woman to Woman as Plug side, selectsound stamped, I could bear to part with. Sorry late edit, should have said grade at EX
  11. This guy keeps on keepin' on and getting better with age. This is the single from Lee Fields current album, Magnolia:
  12. Sale: Jimmie Raye - You Must be Losing Your Mind / For the Sake of Love. Wonderful 2 sider on the rarer JRE label. Conservative VG++, labels Ex, couple of very minor marks not affecting play. £130 Lavell Hardy - What Kind of Woman / Soul Fever, Rojac DJ, Ex all round clean. Very rare, yet to have big plays but always creates attention. £60 Inclusive of recorded postage for UK. Overseas Postage at cost price. Payment by Paypal.
  13. As said above too hard to pick one, and agree with many already mentioed, particularly withdrawn Len Barry, but thougth I'd give a shout out for this: Jimmy Ruffin Ruff 'N Ready with the glorious version of 96 Tears on but the whole album makes such a great home play.
  14. Wasn't going to comment but a pm converstaion prompted me to. As I'm sure many of us can, I can get quite quite precious about the "scene" that I grew up with, in fact it may be more accurate to say the scene that grew me up. That "scene" is gone, I enjoy what we have but it isn't what we had. In my opinion there may be occasions where what appear to most us to be inflated prices are paid by someone who simply wants a record that doesn't come to market so much they will pay what it takes to get it. We should remember that within an auction it isn't one person willing to pay that it's at least 2 willing to pay one bid less. If that's the case, best wishes (not that anyone would care!) to them, if it means so much to you to own it and you have the money then bloody good luck to you. But I also think there's a status collection outside of what most would understand to be NS circles, and that's just life. For me it's not that far away from some div (used historically) putting on some bags, sticking some repro badges on a bag containing repro shirts and pretending they are part of a way of life. Throwing money at records without appreciation of what that record means to others won't in my eyes make you part of a northern soul thing, past or present. JM gets great prices, and if I was selling EX/Mint rarities I guess I would give him a call. But, one sale in a JM auction doesn't mean that suddenly becomes the price for every VG copy out there. There are different markets at play. Credit to those who continue to price for what they see as a fair price, it would be stupid to criticise someone for providing me with what I see as a bargain. I think we need to recognise that there are different markets here that affect but don't entirely govern each other, and if we have a bit of knowledge to recognise a good price as well as an inflated one then that's some reward for our hobby (not a way of life!). Think it's always been thus. Some people will pay stupid prices in the moment either because of passion or resources. A little tale: Mid or Late 70's I caught the X67 to Manchester with Fran 'Booby' Morgan from Newark, to go onto Wigan. I think it must have been an "oldies" Friday nighter because his fiance had given him either a deposit or first mortgage payment (memory not great), I think around £100, to pay into building society on Sat morning on the way back. I do seem to remember this was to secure the house purchase one way or another. He spent it on on an Eddie Garrigan - I Wish I Was in the record bar that night. Now Eddie Garrigan must have just have broke big, hence the price. Lost the house and his relationship, heh but he had an Eddie Garrigan !! I know, big deal given todays availability, but he wanted it, and he wanted it that night. I guess for me those buying with passion make me smile, those buying with resources make me jealous. Those buying without appreciation I'll choose to ignore.
  15. Thanks for posting Dave, very sad news indeed.
  16. Woohoooo I've got a line!!!! Ok will be the lower priced ones I'm sure but makes me grin.
  17. I like to play Manship Bingo every Thursday / Friday. I get a line if I've already got one from each weekly section, don't think it would ever be possible for me to get a full house (unless more of you sign up to the selling up thread!).
  18. My memory is shocking. I need to make some space, although space for what I'm now asking myself. I guess it's a reaction to records cluttered about and a realisation I don't play 90%. I pulled out a box that I thought was mostly "junk" records thinking I'll be lucky to sell these and planning to do the opposite of shop lifting in Rob Smiths with them, realised I "didn't know" half the titles and played them. A few smiles later and suddenly space isn't so important!
  19. Kind of confirms the thoughts shared on here before that "Expensive" (rarer, Ex condition) records are only going up, whilst the glut in cheaper records sees them drop. I did see a very shabby Lenny Curtis NCHYN recently on ebay but I presume that wasn't the one that went for 765.50. I think I know what market I'm in, just waiting for all my cheapies to become "wanted".
  20. Don't know if this has been mentioned, haven't been through all the links on topic. HMV were doing a 12" record bag/shoulder bag, only £2. Black with the HMV logo.
  21. Thanks for responses, that's that line of argument gone!
  22. Having successfully challenged a couple of customs charges for postage from US to UK, I recently challenged another one based on the following letter (from me): With reference to the above Border Force charge of £16.85 in relation to £8.85 VAT plus £8.00 Royal Mail International Handling Fee. The charge notice states that VAT is payable on items over £36 sent between private individuals. The customs label clearly states a value of $50. Using 2 $ to £ conversion sites on 6 June 2014 ( foreignexchange.org.uk and dollars2pounds.com) $50 converts to £29.70 and £29.75 respectively. Please refund the £16.85 together with an apology. Two letters later ( I only do it in part to be a pain) I'm now being told that the VAT is charged on the $50 + $24.75, making a VAT charge of 20% on £44.28 = £8.85. Does anyone with any legal mind know if the border force are within their right to charge VAT on the postage as aprt of the value of the good? Thanks for any advice, (tight) Dean.
  23. I was watching that one through, similar went through week before, finished 25 June for $305 (£178). Really is a lottery selling. Prices indicate to me some people with no patience but wish I could find 'em when I'm selling anything.

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