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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Roger Eagle moved to North Wales shortly before he died. Met him a couple of times in Bangor in a record shop and at a gig in a local pub that he did with Brian Rae (I think). Didn't have much time for 'Northern' - seemed to be much more into his 'Blues'. Nice guy and interesting to talk to. Sad to have died at such a relatively young age.
  2. Does it matter what it's called.. I know which DJs I like, and those are the venues I attend. Why make it so difficult?
  3. Brushy One String - 'Chicken in the corn' is one I've always felt Northern dancers might enjoy. Also have a liking for some Jamaican R&B - now that might cause some problems - Jamaican and R&B in the same sentence...
  4. I've had the same thing from the States, but no jiffy bag - just a brown envelope. Can't remember seller - wonder if it was the same person
  5. Please PM if interested. Payment via Paypal gift please or add 4% if preferred. P&P UK £3.00 Dealers - The lot for £220 plus P&P at cost. ------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Dotson - I need your love - ROCKO (Ex) £30 Rodge Martin - They Say - DOT (Ex) £20 Sugar Pie Desanto - Slip in Mules - CHECKER (M-) £10 Sugar Pie Desanto - Crazy Lovin' - CHECKER (M-) £10 Oscar Boyd - When things get a little Better - HERMES (M-) £10 Al King - On my way - TRIAD (M-) £10 Joe Simon - Long Hot Summer - SS7 (M-) £10 Toni Harper - Fallin' - RCA (E+) £20 Hank Ballard - Do it Zulu style - KING (E+) £15 Little Jimmy Griffin - If things don't change - R (M-) £20 Billy Storm - Baby don't look down - LOMA (M-) £30 Alvin Christy - I'm so proud - PINPOINT (M-) £15 Butanes - Don't forget I love you - ENRICA (M-) £15 Charles Jackson - Hula Lula - CLOCK (M-) £10 Lillian Offitt - Miss you so - EXCELLO (EX) £15 Billy Emerson - A Dancin' Whippersnapper - ROOSTER (M-) £15 Herman Griffin - Sleep Little One - MOTOWN (M-) £15 Little Joe Cook - I'll never go to a party again - 20th CENTURY FOX Promo (Ex) £25
  6. You may already be aware, but if not, be careful of 2011 repro which has 'You shocked me' on B side..
  7. He would probably be consider it a mild mental disorder, perfectly curable by adding meat to one's diet.. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lacto-ovo-vegetarian
  8. No it's not hard to understand. However many of us have been there, done that, and moved on. I really don't want to listen to records that I know all the words to. Neither do I wish to attend the venues that play them. My ears are still hungry for new sounds, and all credit to those DJ's who spend time, effort and money in turning them up. If I were forced to live in a time warp I'd prefer to spend my time watching repeats of Z Cars and Jack Hargreaves.
  9. I could understand people feeling short changed if they got something they didn't expect (Lord save us from that ever happening).... but I would pay good money to hear Butch play a set of cheapies that were a reflection of his own taste. Can't say the same for many of the other household names though........
  10. I'll happily admit to dancing to the Javells. Those of us who attended the Casino in 1974 were mainly 16-18 years old and we just wanted to dance. Pointless trying to sweep it all under the carpet now - the Javells was popular at the time. The scene then was fast moving - a record might be played 5 times a night for 3 weeks and then never heard again. Most of us accepted it and enjoyed it for what it was. On the issue of white artists I'm surprised Rufus Lumley hasn't been mentioned on either this or the locked thread. 'I'm Standing' was arguably the biggest white record of them all..
  11. Great isn't it - one of my favorite artists..
  12. Big Buddy Lucas - I can't go - Caprice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU1_iioFmO4 Ex condition - plays great. B side has faint X on label. Please PM with offers over £130.
  13. Millionaires - Never for me Uplifting classic from the early days..
  14. Nice tune but don't think it ever came out on a single - album track only.
  15. Sam Chatmon - Nobody but me - BOSS Labels and vinyl in M- condition Offers invited via PM please SOLD
  16. Is my memory failing or have the prices on the Swan cases reduced quite dramatically from a few years ago?
  17. And therein lies the rub. At the time it was constantly moving forward with a fast turnover of records. I will always have fond memories of the Casino but prefer to continue in the same traditions today, still looking for new sounds.
  18. Which as we all know is the real deal.. Sadly I could not make it this year, which was so disappointing as I was desperate for a 'Northern Soul' teaset and place mats.
  19. Bought some good records off Richard Domar, however he never advertised condition so you had to go through a lengthy process of communication before deciding whether you wanted to buy. There was one record that I was particularily keen on and Richard's description of 'looks a bit rough' or words to that effect made me uncertain so I asked whether I could hear it down the phone -'Can't mate, I haven't got a record player'. A truly class act. By the way I once got a refund off him - has anyone else managed to achieve the same?
  20. Billy Storm - Baby don't look down - LOMA (M-) £40 Hank Ballard - Do it Zulu style - KING (E+) £20 Toni Harper - Fallin' - RCA VICTOR (E+) £25 Little Jimmy Griffin - If things dont change - R (M-) £25 UK p&p £2 Payment via PAYPAL please
  21. One thing I admire Tarantino for, is he chooses all the soundtracks himself, from his own vinyl collection
  22. Hi Ezz - Give the Rhythm Shack a try reminds me so much of what the Soulful Shack used to be like...
  23. These days I am firmly ensconced in my R&B pigeonhole, and don't venture out into the 'Northern' scene often. If I did, Butch would be the man I'd travel to hear. For me, he has the ability to bring back those feelings of anticipation and excitement that made the scene what it was in the early days. As for DJs stampeding to get hold of his tunes, my preference is for those djs that turn up with a box of records that reflect their own taste.
  24. My commiserations if you've been caught, but I don't think there's much comeback based on the description. I am immediately suspicious of anything that is described as new, which is probably an accurate description if it's a newly pressed boot. It doesn't state it's an original copy and 'now deleted and hard to find' is a statement of fact. Just hope you bought it cheap.
  25. Made my eyes go funny

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