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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Will try this Mick - as you say 'item not available' is the crux.
  2. Thanks - have just read it through. I guess the pertinent part to me is "What needs to be included in the Seller Terms"? - "Any regions the seller refuses to ship to" So in saying I will post to UK addresses only I have assumed that buyers will realise I won't ship elsewhere. The guy who wanted to buy it lives in Spain. He is ok with situation but I am unable to relist.
  3. Thanks for that but postage rates aren't the issue. I stated in my sellers terms that I only post to uk addresses ie I don't post abroad.
  4. Anyone know how to do this? Had an email to say a record I had listed had sold. Problem was the buyer lives in Spain and under my sellers terms I had stated postage to UK addresses only. I messaged him and whilst he was disappointed he did acknowledge he hadn't read my terms. In order to relist I had to complete appropriate reason in drop down box. Only three options available so closest option was item unavailable. Duly clicked this only to find that doing this prevents relisting. First time I have listed/sold on Discogs so unsure what to do next..
  5. ** DOWNBEATS - REQUEST OF A FOOL - US TAMLA WHITE DEMO ** EX+ Condition, red marker X on play side - £45 Payment via paypal please - friends family Postage (UK only) -- £2.00 1st class or £4.00 Recorded Delivery
  6. Landy McNeil - Move it Move On - Kapp (Ex+) -- £45 Payment via paypal please - friends family Postage (UK only) -- £2.00 1st class or £4.00 Recorded Delivery
  7. Great photo - Is that a young Dave Price in yellow?
  8. Think a lot of people have missed the point here. The idea was to watch it again 5 years on and see whether opinions have changed.
  9. Good call Mike - I'll watch it again. Spoiler below.... Have a hunch that the main argument might still be "people didn't" "yes they did"
  10. I have 'liked' both yours and PhilTs post even though they may appear at odds with one another, the reason being, as with property, it's all about 'location, location, location. Both approaches work in the right environment but I would guess they are unlikely to be the same environment. Good luck with the meteoric rise
  11. Not this lady is it?
  12. Yeah - realised what you meant after I posted Think there were radio DJs in there..
  13. Diversity in music as well. Remember Roger Banks clearing floors at some venues leaving 5 to 10 dancers (including myself) plenty of room to enjoy some great R&B. Some people just never came to terms with it hence the opening of R&B rooms at nighters and eventually separate venues. Modern rooms followed a similar path, although Sam I think continued to play to the main floor with some fantastic sounds at the time. Then of course there was Butch offering something more traditional but of the highest quality. Winsford had three rooms at one time - Main room, Modern room and another room {don't know what it was called} which was frequented by people in anoraks and wooly beanie hats??
  14. I had a car! People still travelling distances to events so if you turned up at a niter it was full of familiar faces. Two niters on during the same night was frowned upon so clashes were uncommon and if it did happen the word 'political' raised it's head. Early years at Wigan were exciting but during the nineties the music had matured and DJs more discerning about what they played. I didn't go to Stafford so loads of records that I had never heard before. Trying to identify, from references made, who it was getting slagged off in Manifesto magazine by Mr Potato Head. "Back to Bob's" - (will strike a chord with N Wales crowd) Great, great times - could ramble on for ages but this is enough to be getting on with..
  15. Media reports resulting in coach loads of 'tourists' turning up to see what it was all about, Top of the pops featuring Wigan dancers, record companies cashing in, High waister trousers etc in High Street shops. Basically what was once an underground scene suddenly became available to the masses. First two years were great. I pulled out shortly before 3rd Anniversary so I can't speak for what happened after that, but many saw it through to the bitter end and would count those years as the best years of their lives.
  16. Stevie


    It's about taking a pride in doing things properly. Does anybody take pride in wearing a counterfeit watch? Anyone who plays boots knows the score - that's why we keep getting these threads seeking change and approval
  17. Good post Len. The scene is probably more accessible now than it has ever been. For many people these are the good old days..
  18. Maybe he had. Good taste isn't the privilege of the elderly..
  19. I guess that was just his opinion. How people feel maybe depends on how long they have been involved in the 'scene' and the changes they've witnessed. I went to the Casino for the first three years, packed it in due to media hype, got back into it in the early nineties and stayed for a further twenty years before making the decision to pack it in five years ago. For me it had lost it's edge, catering for the masses in a 'social' environment, photographing, filming and hitting the dressing up box hard. I am able to accept that this provides enjoyment for many, and as I appeared to be part of a growing minority I decided it was time to leave. Maybe your DJ friend felt the same way?
  20. Sweet Sammy J - Baby' just you and me - Hi Q - (M-) £70 Beautiful copy Bobby Brown - Seven Lonely Days - Eight Ball - (E+) £100 Payment by paypal f&f please. UK Postage £7.50 (Special Delivery).
  21. BUTANES SOLD - Thanks!
  22. Please note - None of the clips attached are the actual records for sale and are for reference only. Please pay special attention to Drifters - item for sale is a reissue. Billy Barnes - Road of love - Tahoe (White DJ) £30 - Label just a little grubby Butanes - Don't forget that I love you - Enrica £10 Baby Washington - Work Out - Neptune £20 Bobby Davis - Damper Down - M-Pac (White DJ) £15 Big Slim - I got to find my Baby - Savoy £20 Drifters - Drip drop - Atlantic Oldies series (reissue ) £10 Not as shown on clip below. Baby Lloyd - I refuse to cry - Wolfie (White label) £20 - Black marker straight line on each side - assume to erase promo not for sale? Burt Jackson - Mr Everything - Jamie £20 Label just a little grubby    All records are in at least Ex condition. Thanks for looking. Payment by paypal gift please. Postage to UK, and USA only. Registered postage within mainland UK is £2.50

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