Hmmm - CDs made the music more accessible, the internet even more so. I wouldn't be without the internet but do have mixed feelings regarding its effect on 'the scene'.
Maybe I've been around too long, but back in the day the only way to hear a particular tune was to travel, often to a club where the dj who was playing it was resident. News of this tune would have spread via word of mouth and on arriving at said club you'd wait in anticipation, excitement growing until finally....yes.....what a stormer! Well worth the journey....something to talk about with your mates for the next week or so.
Sounds a bit sad now? Well maybe, but compare it to today. Hear a tune, buy it on cd/download it off the internet...brilliant.....hammer it to death at time you hear it out its yesterdays news even though it may be rare as hens teeth and cost the guy playing it a small fortune to buy.
I think the instant access that the internet provides deprives us of some of the excitement and unpredictability of yesteryear but clearly there's no going back.....guess I'm just lucky to have experienced things both before and after.