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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Wouldn't have sounded out of place, but couldn't begin to compare in terms of quality to Black Nasty, Todays People, Frankie Crocker or the Skull Snaps - they were, and still are great records. I think the buzz about this is due to it being 'new' and comparatively rare.
  2. Have to agree with you Joan, and based on his limited offering I would have to conclude that Mr Coco is no vocalist.
  3. Which bit are you afraid is incorrect? I went for the first three years starting at age 17. The vast majority were aged below 20 and I knew of some as young as 14. People I knew who had been to the Wheel / Torch were around 22 at the time. They were certainly in the minority and many didn't last beyond the first year. If you're afraid the DS bit is incorrect there's a clue in the emoticon...
  4. Would say it was a place for the under twenties - anyone older was suspected of being DS Friends who had been to the Wheel and Torch didn't rate the place.
  5. How much does it pay then, being the site's official harpinger of doom? In all seriousness Mark, life will go on. If you look at the birthdays each day on the front page there are a great many people in their thirties and early forties who have plenty of years in them yet. As for record values, who knows, just enjoy them while you've got them, nothing is forever in life...
  6. This sounds like it should be a fantastic book. Two of the best contributions that I have read on the subject are by the late Dave McCadden and were published in Manifesto issues 14 and 15. They were entitled 'You can't mean it' and 'Have you ever had a girlfriend'. Both are great stories but the latter one cracks me up every time I read it. Daves writing always had a great balance of fact and humour and it would be good to see these stories included if the necessary permissions can be obtained.
  7. You beat me to it - must learn to type quicker
  8. I was 17 and used to seeing Jethro and co at WC on a weekly basis. If my memory serves correctly, on TOTP they were crammed onto on a very small area of floor which didn't allow sufficient room for them to properly demonstrate their skills. I also recall being somewhat embarassed explaining to friends that it was not a true reflection of the Casino, and think it's fair to say that it was over commercialisation that formed the basis of my decision to stop going shortly before the 3rd anniversary. It may be good if the clip is available for posterity, but I do not remember it as one of the high points.
  9. Saw this on a list appx 18 months ago for around £25. Phoned up straight away, but guess what, it had gone... Bad enough making a mistake on price but sellers phone must have been ringing for days on that one.
  10. Can't see the problem - you must be inundated with venues playing what you want?
  11. As is the first step coming down.. spooky!
  12. Here's something I remember about Keele - black snot when you blew your nose in the morning. Never happened anywhere else - put it down to the place needing a good going over with a duster once in a while....
  13. May have lasted 6 years for some, but for me it lasted little longer than a year and had ceased by the time 'spencers' were available. My memories between '73 and '76 were of a progressive scene. It was contemporary and it was ever changing. Those are the ideals that I still hold dear. I have no wish to hold onto a snapshot in time, and I spend far more time and money than I ought seeking out 'new' sounds. I would guess that my own views are probably atypical, and I have no wish to try and influence anybody else. Enjoying what you do is what matters. Peace and love.
  14. Skinners were a Northern thing... remember me and my mate getting chased through the streets of Southend while on holiday there in 1972 by gangs of angry locals who didn't appreciate the way we were dressed. Fashion at Wigan in the early days was subject to constant change. Those who have adopted the baggy pants / vest look as being reminiscent of the era are making use of little more than a short lived snapshot in time. Different venues had different fashions. In the early days Wigan, the Mecca and the Ritz had completely different identities in terms of both music and clothing. We wanted to look different and cool so off the peg clothing was not an option unless it was customised in some way, and made to measure was the preferred option. Bags were carried for deoderant, spare shirts and the all important cassette recorder to tape the nights proceedings, which would be played back on the train home much to the annoyance of other passengers. The whole ethos of the time was to enjoy being a part of something different. I stopped going in 1978 because by that time I felt it it had become over commercialised and had lost the very thing that had first drawn me to it. As far as current venues go, long live those that are still pushing the boundaries as they are the ones that remain true to the spirit of what once was.
  15. Herman Griffin - Sleep (little one) - Motown - £25 M- Little Joe Cook - I'll never go to a party again - 20th Century Fox Black/Gold Promo - £35 Ex or £50 for both.. Payment via paypal please. P&P £2 UK only.
  16. Got this last night and really can't be arsed reading all 9 pages of it.. If someone who can could precis the pertinent parts that would be great
  17. Agreed - the best book on the subject to date. Personally I would like to read a book that relates to the 'darker side', which was as much a part of the history as the records. Any book which fails to acknowledge this is only telling half the story and most authors choose to either ignore it or claim it never existed. Pete McKenna's 'Nightshift' embraced it, and was an enjoyable read but may have been lacking factually.
  18. Sensible post. The final sentence just about sums it up for me..
  19. Link added https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU1_iioFmO4
  20. Big Buddy Lucas - I can't go - CAPRICE. Clean labels (B side has faint X marker pen) Ex condition. £200 to include special delivery within UK. Please note - this record is for sale to fund a want from Bob Morris collection. If the want is sold, this record will be withdrawn. Thanks for looking.
  21. Keep on Running: 50 Years of Island Records Tonight 23:00 BBC4 Been on before, but still worth another look after the footie..
  22. Last issue I got was 32 - June 2006. Best of the serious mags IMO. Fun mag had to be the early Manifesto's...
  23. Nice words which typify the DJs that have my respect, and who are pretty much the only ones I'll travel for these days. Not many of them are big names and are often found in the smaller clubs where the new and lesser played stuff can be heard. It's a totally different game to playing tried and tested oldies or current biggies, it's about having enough confidence in your own taste to spin it and hope that others will share the enjoyment. I know a number of people who attend Bidds regularily but to date I've not been. Will have to make an effort for the next one..
  24. Your post made a lot of sense and the above made me smile. Couldn't help the mental image of black music tea dances....
  25. Payed less than a tenner for mine a few years ago.. Have played it out a couple of times and went down well with the dancers. Don't think I've heard anyone else playing it but that's not to say they haven't. Probably best described as 'semi known'.

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