Just been looking at one of Dave McCaddens Soul Time mags (issue No2) from about August 1973. The interesting thing is the play list he has from the following venues Va Va's Bolton. (The first allnighter i took notice of, it was just youth club sounds before that, but that's another story) Samantha's. Wigan Rugby Club (Russ!!) Blackpool Mecca.
I then compared Wigan Rugby Club and The Mecca (Minshull/Curtis) and wondered which top ten would be received the best today, obviously this is a top ten before The Mecca when modern, woh...nearly said disco, wash my mouth.
Wigan Rugby Club June 73
Sam & Kitty Something good
Bob Relf Blowing my mind to pieces
Rose Battiste Hit and Run
Otis Smith Let her go
Flaming Embers Lets have a Love in
Bobby Lynn Earthquake
Moes Smith Girl across the street
The Sweets Satisfy me baby
Hesitations I'm not built that way
Sherrys Put your arms around me
I think that proves Russ invented Northern Soul don't you
Blackpool Mecca
Bobby Treetop Wait till I get to know you
Gino Parks Nerves of Steel
Moses Smith Girl across the street
Brice Coefield Ain't that right
Christine Cooper Heartaches away
Damita Jo I'll save the last dance for you
Earl grant Hide nor Hair
Wally Cox This man
Superlatives I still love you
The Mob Open the door to your heart
Personally I actually think its a close thing, just edged by Russ, as I would be hard pressed to sit through Damita Jo, and The Mobs version of Open the door!!! but if you were to combine both, they add up to a reasonable spot remember, in '73 these were the driving force of Northern Soul and lead to what we have today
That's only the top tens, I will publish the other ten later , so people can get there oldies spots sorted for the weekend.