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Everything posted by Nocker

  1. You could always hunt out the Nick ashford version on Verve. I bought it a couple of months ago off Johnny Beggs, the Marvin version is great, but Nicks is just as good, in fact sounds "finished" if you compare them......should cost you about £50
  2. Mack Simmons-Turning point .. Top track in its own right, does anyone play out any more.. Reminds me of the Ritz Manchester alldayers in 70ts......just thinking though wasn't the Inst side played then instead??
  3. Tony did'nt "Can i change my mind" come out on an LP, I have it somewhere in the back of my mind. I know I have the track but i am sure its not on the lable you have it on!!!!
  4. The LP with Hey baby, is a Epic/CBS/Philly promo comp with the another ex modern/northern biggie form the 80ts "All I want is my baby", just can't think of the girl artist who sang it, the other tracks are disco types. I must dig it out and check. Cheers
  5. Got a nice 12" reissue of Hey Baby with Jean Carn (I think) on the other side. I gave 20 quid for it about two months ago at Denton British Legion..Yeh i didn't believe it myself the next morning when i realised i hadn't bought a proper copy.. 20 notes for a reissue what is the world coming to, cos i already have it on LP anyway..Still two top tracks
  6. ezzie Buy em. I collect emi/acetates and like the others say you usually get a slightly differant take, The only thing is if you take a box full out your arms are as long as a gorrilla's when you put them down after walking from the car park to the decks Cheers John
  7. Anyone got a sound clip of Jerry Butlers version???
  8. Don't know about studio cut out, I just know its got a smaller hole at the side of the spindle hole you place the record on..Is real or what, I am now intregued!!! These arn't like the small drill holes in genuine disc's.....Cheers John
  9. If its true about two holes I have "The happiest girl in the world" on a disc like that and always like you thought it to be an emi made for the NS scene
  10. Thanks for that Simon.. I thought thats what had happened, but its just another example of the strange world of Northern soul ...a UK acetate with a rare NS track and an equally rare other side in Greece....Why???? How the hell did it get over there
  11. This only happend last night, so I will set the scene. I collect emidiscs/acetates, so i notice on the old ebay a few days ago a (as described) "7" test pressing", and the scan shows it as such of Cheating Kind, Don Gardner seller is in Greece, so I put it on watch with the intension of bidding last minute. Well I got home late and the bids have finished, low and behold nobody bid on it....Sh*t i'm having that, so off i pop an email offering him the starting bid (99p) but expecting to pay a lot more.... Here we go He writes back and tells me its a 1968 original disc and someone has told him it's worth a lot of money so he is relisting it at £400 We exchange a couple of emails along the lines of me expalining the original is rare, but his copy looks like a 1980's emidisc to me and only worth a few quid in comparison, also in light of the fact it has had a recent UK release will he let me have it for a tenner. I then get another email, this is like 1 am in the morning by now, and it turns out the other side is a genuine DECCA acetate from 1968 with a phyc/garage track on the other side by a band called Plague, and he knows it worth big bucks. My reaction and next email suggests it was a single sided acetate from '68 that someone had the majestic Don cut on during the 70ts/80ts... He then tells me its relisted with the Plague track for sale.. Two questions, am i correct about the single sided theory, and has anyone else come across a Northern track with some obscure or strange other side? p.s one thing he did mention, it is 42/42 degrees over there at the moment
  12. I wish it would, i can't play any MP3s on here now. Everything just comes as alink not a musc file. I'm right pee'd off......John
  13. The vocalist give their all, they should be congratulated for that, but Ian is trying to produce a sound, a modern version of Northern Soul. Unforuanatly it isn't happening in my veiw. His sound is his soumd and it hasn't really changed since the early days of LJ Johnson, Evelyn king etc... I recon if some up to date producer got hold of one or two of them, like the Angelo Starr track they could get a decent track, in other words dicth Ian's production and let someone else have a go. Somewhere in some of them is a good track trying to get out
  14. Pete I only log out when i clear out the cookies!!
  15. Hector. Only on the Northern scene... I am now laughing my head off :fool
  16. Bazza. You are right. My point is, it is a recent pop hit, all be it nearly twenty years ago. Whould it get any play now if it was a new release, I doubt it. The examples you gave above, the various types of soul are collectivly "Northern Soul" in my view. Bobby Browns records and the type of R&B of his generation do not register with me as playable at a Northern venue playing across the board tracks. (I have got loads of modern R&B tracks in my collection as like most Northern Soul collectors i have picked up all sorts over the years) By the way I do a bit of DJing with a large helping of modern in my spot, so I am not in any way "oldies only blinkered"
  17. Bazza The big problem is "Its not, repeat, not" Northern Soul!!!!!
  18. Then there was me and Michele and the Kids on "Who rules the roost" Featured me in King Bee record hunting, played a couple of tracks in the back ground and did a load of filming of me on the Lambretta....Whould i do it again?? Not a chance. They cause disruption in the house and have no idea about real life, even though it is supposed to a "reality show"
  19. Top sound, one of my all time fav's thanks for posting.
  20. Hi I heard it at Wigan on a number of occations, I think John Vincent played it at the time. I even bought it there. 70ts Private Stock, in fact i gave it a blast the other day at home, and i don't think it would go down well today Cheers John
  21. Mark Will drop the cheque in the post tomorrow. Cheers John
  22. It looks like the track listing to one of them there NOW, what ever they are up to now CD's although i do own every track on vinyl. i wouldn't make a point of going out now to buy any of them......
  23. Mark I'll have em. I live in Stalybridge Cheers John
  24. Hi I DJ at Denton every month and I have been playing "Chris Bartley Truer words were never spoken" ( Les Hare has a demo at a tenner at King Bee), and the b side of I heard it through the grapevine, "Love Somebody" and they are at the moment two of my top sound, both get a good reaction and people up dancing. None of them cost over 6 quid, in fact i have had Marvin since I was about 17 teen!!!! I also play the odd expensive track, to my mind 50 quid is a lot, such as Big Daddy Rogers and June Jackson, I also cart Choise of Colour and Innersction around with me and play Unique Blend To me you can play a set of cheapies, and get a great reaction, really its the mix. And as someone said, some of those dearies were once cheapies
  25. Hi Just won this on eBay, The description said its a release to promote A Celler full of Motown, so i guess its from Motown UK. question is... Are there any other official releases on vinyl of the stuff found a couple of years back now. I know we have The Originals, various versions, Marvins Love starved heart (even a give away single) etc, but they are not legit surely!!! Cheers John

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