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Everything posted by Nocker

  1. I saw him at this one, i remember he introduced his son Junior Walker Junior on drums!!!
  2. More to the point why do we need another pressing of it...Three copies (I know they are originals)? There are thousands about in various pressing, legal and not so. If any one wants one they are not hard to get hold of. I wonder if anyone has bought every label variant? I know I've got three UK legit copies and Eddie Foster pressing bought from the record bar at the Casino. It baffles me why its been pressed so many time, everyone who wants one must have one by now. Even Chris Evens plays his copy on radio 2 every now and then.
  3. This on a 7, UK single, i've got one and i've played it out..
  4. Guys most people attending a local Northern Soul gig nowadays are well into their 50s...60s and go for the nostalgia and just to hear records they know, most and this is a fact, don't care if its a boot or not, they want what they know and like. Very few of them have the same mind set as they had when they got into the scene, apart from die hard collectors and OVO DJs. At a local do you cant break a new record/new OVO discovery like you could 40 years ago..oh and by the way here's another fact, in the 70s hey day EMidisc's of the top tracks we're distributed around the to build up demand and were played out by top DJs of the day!!! are they not boots? Playing boots at Northern Soul gigs weather people admit it or not has gone on since the year dot, go to a local do next time you see one advertised, clock the age group and i bet i could name the play list, and almost guarantee they are playing boots, Who do you think is is buying all the outa site etc stuff not OVO collectors but people putting on Norther Social Evenings for the over 50ts....
  5. So did I, and it seems by the notes above they were, the others followed,also Doni Burdick on Rons Records where did that one come from? and a Lowton anniversary disc...
  6. I actually think this side is better...although both are great tracks
  7. So there are Pink, White and Red ones?
  8. I noticed in the records wants section last week someone after the The Dynamics I need your love which has the same backing as Candle by Doni Burdick, my curiosity got the better of me so I searched out my Soul King copy of Candle to compare them, not the first time but not done it for some time, Anyway I looked on Popsike re value of said Doni version only to notice there are two white label copies. I always thought this was an unreleased track, found by Rod Dearlove and distributed via his Voices from the Shadows mag in the seventies. If so why two coloured labels, were there two run and which came first as I bought mine, I thought, as soon as it was advertised and available?
  9. The copy on You Tube is a Phone Plas acetate and credits as "if you ask me!!!! is it a genuine studio acetate then? Cheers John
  10. Chris, remember and went to both, didn't Les Hare guest at the Old Steam Brewery, or was i just chatting to him there? My biggest memory or the post office club though, was, and it may have Dave Hind, but the dj played a track and commented after "That was a Wigan track, and if that's the sort of stuff played there I'm glad i didn't go!!" But i loved the Post Office, was turned into an Aussie bar for a while? Cheers John
  11. Carla Thomas and Chuck Jackson for me....
  12. These should be the next box set of singles, brilliant set..........
  13. I don't remember this being played "Lorraine Silver - I Know That You'll Be There" so i googled it all the way to you tube, if it was played it could have destroyed the Northern scene, dreadful is being kind to the track...........
  14. This is like a family member we have lost contact with over a silly argument, and we need to make up with them before its too late, in fact he is a senior member of the Northern Soul family and all in all I know he has our respect and best wishes, he brought us pleasure in the music he discovered which is immeasurable and the music he made. A true legend for me......Get Well soon Ian ........
  15. https://sabotagetimes.com/music/dont-let-northern-soul-be-ruined-by-the-elitist-clique-who-follow-it/ This made interesting reading, some have seen it on facebook Cheers John
  16. In truth i'm not bothered about the promotional stuff, CD and singles that are similar and available all over ebay and have been since Adam was a lad ............"I just want to see the film........come on"
  17. Ady, No matter what Kent 110 or the new improved mix, top quality track all the same pal. All the best John
  18. My spellings crap at this time of night, that should be "its torture!!!"
  19. Hope you don't play any of that punk malarkey at the next Rat Pit Grant, looking forward to seeing down there mate. Cheers John
  20. Is This available on vinyl, MP3 easy...Many regards John
  21. What about the UK PYE issue which of the two green issues it that, first or second? Cheers John
  22. https://www.whosampled.com/ Try this site!! Cheers John

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