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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Sometimes i think we are in danger of over - analysing .Taking the fun out of everything.
  2. I've had some cracking nights out at smallish venues,hardly any top 500 tunes,plenty of "I like this, what is it,i want one". Shoot me.
  3. We do like our different versions.!!! White soul or white pop.??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMiA1m-rPzY
  4. Neither.He had no idea.Nurse,get my medication.!!!
  5. Gloria Jones did a good version too.
  6. ,,,everybody talk about, POP music.!!
  7. Who's that aimed at.?
  8. Not TTD.White singer at a guess.
  9. Some feel the need to say " Forgotten Wigan sound up next.Here's blah blah blah".
  10. Lyrically its bad.First time iv'e heard "souffle" in a song.
  11. Maybe that falls into the popcorn genre.?
  12. No,wasn't sure you would.
  13. Aaron,is this the sort of stuff you like.Not my cuppa though..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fI3PFF4f6Yc
  14. You can navigate your way through the tat etc....stop worrying about the future of the scene,live for today.Right kids.?
  15. Got a novelty appeal to them.I suppose that was the objective from a selling point.I would have avoided coloured vinyl bitd because they didn't look kosher.
  16. Sad to hear of the toilet refurb.Hope it doesn't lose its "atmosphere" fnarr,fnarr.
  17. To paraphrase Yvonne Baker - -"I didn't say a word" . Seriously,i've always been a little dubious about 60's coloured vinyl.Its doesn't look right to me.Can't imagine the decision making process. Isn't there an Eddie Foster - I never knew - on a multi colored IN.?
  18. Nah,he's become an institution,bit like Harrods.
  19. There's only one Manship connected to rare records.Therefore using his surname is not in any way to be confused with any other Manship. No there's no way you could mix him up. https://www.newcontinental.net/whats-on/event/continental-jazz-club-munch-manship-%E2%80%93-sunday-25th-september-9pm-%C2%A33
  20. Camp Terry - that won't stick.
  21. Isnt one of them,from JT, via the States,to Mace.?
  22. I heard he got it at Morecambe,record fair quite a while ago.? He was offered a VW Golf for it recently,but then i realised i wouldn't be able to get home.
  23. Hi Bob,the Innocent Bystanders came out on Atlantic as well as Pameline. Is there any connection to one i have on Charles records.? Universal Minds - "A chance at love".
  24. Steinways - "You been leading me on / my hearts not in it anymore" - ABC Paramount.

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