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Everything posted by KevH

  1. You like it then.?
  2. Showstoppers - Heartbreaker.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ELUW29JpQ
  3. Should have read ,Tina Turner,nutbush,legs akimbo.
  4. I can go with that my owd.
  5. Its also got a "foxy bingo,speed dating night,bottle of pinot grigio " feel to it.
  6. Pikey funk meat.? Front of the box player.Tune.
  7. I can't help thinking Tina Turner,legs akimbo.
  8. "If you change your mind" ,Ady.? 2 Hill labels,i'll have a go at scanning the plainer label.....
  9. One for the RnB / NS folks. Japanese P-Vine LP only, for the vinyl junkies.Chicago cd for the rest of you. .Yes i have played this out as an original,off the LP.!! Was put out on carvers so i'm told.? Harold Burrage - "I'm in love"....(TRACK 28.) https://play.spotify.com/album/7kDVx3Eit2pBCzwohyjtv6
  10. At a risk of being shot down,here's one from 2012 that has still got potential to be bigger, given time. Willie West - "She's so wise" - Timmion.(only part recorded.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_AWJyLfX7Q
  11. For JBS,here's "Sexy,sexy,sexy".Uses almost same backing as "Money etc". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=913OlP_3Jv0
  12. Only needs a knob twiddling dj to get behind it.
  13. Oh,it started with "Soul for sale" instru,then the funk guys flipped it for "If the shoe fits" later. Maybe some things do cross from the dark side.And just maybe, its not that well known on the "new" funky scene. Lets hear some stomping NS from the in depth collectors.
  14. Yes,but the vocal not so much played.Oh well thought it might fit in well for today's scene.
  15. Tips for 2014.Soul Rockers a known oldie.? Where was it hammered Steve.? .
  16. What you going to tell the younger collectors.? Start with the big ticket items,which older collectors conveniently have.?
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjwIudyLPQ4
  18. One for the funky peeps.Semi known,same Soul Rockers as backed Dean Francis.? Soul Rockers - "If the shoe fits ya."
  19. Staying with the old school theme of the thread,get this down ya....cost you about 5 Park Drive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYwMFntPbvg
  20. Who's Shortly.?
  21. forget that.Getting me sandbags and ootp's mixed.
  22. Happy New Year to all.
  23. Funky Sisters - Do it to it,one of the first white OOTP's i remember.Lynne Randell,Moses Smith on blue already out.I think.
  24. First 3.....out of breath just reading..... ..great spot.
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWTE8nqz4e8

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