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Everything posted by KevH

  2. first allnighter 74 at Wigan, but into the scene courtesy of influence from Tats Taylor while both at school.Remember him telling me at school to go to our local record shop (Daynes + Whites) , to get a copy of Jerry Butler " moody woman" that was in the bargain bin. I'd got no money so i "borrowed" the money from schoolmates, went after school to get a copy, must have been around '73.of course ive had a break as well ,but all in all 32 years.
  3. just to keep this going,,,,,, in the early days( pre Wigan) , when t'Torch n t'Wheel were on, wasn't nearly everything played only a few years old?( shock,horror,,newie,,modern even?). Discuss away.............Kev.
  4. Good way to spend a fiver, great tune , if you've got the "ears"
  5. Blatant hi-jack alert!! Mark hope you bring it to Attic on 4th,,love it,,,Kev.
  6. hi Martyn , do you know " i hurt on the other side" or "you'll always be in style" by Sidney Barnes,,much better IMHO,,Kev.
  7. hi, love Edward Hamilton, nice midtempo. Been played at The Attic by an enterprising DJ (Dean) Does it ever get played out?....Kev.
  8. hi,thought i'd put my bit in on this old debate. Northern is basically 60's, or at least it's roots are (debate that!) The Torch ,Wheel, Cats, etc,,played virtually new releases of the time (newies?),that have now become standard classics. Carstairs played at the Mecca wasn't more then 2 years old when played by Levine, but as they say ,you had to be there.
  9. Hi Tony, this is one of mine and probably most peeps pet talking points at a nite out. IMO,Nites are more crowd driven than ever, crowds know what they want to hear. But in the early days to a certain extent, you got wot you got cos the DJ said so!!!. There's loads of nites on, so lots of "competition". Some dj's may think they have a reputation to lose, so much as they might want to play other stuff, it might not fit that nite/crowd. Maybe taking a risk with sounds is the way forward, just like the old days!!! After all where would the scene be without the risk takers,,,,Kev.
  10. hi Mark, just to add my bit to the mix,can't see any problem in playin it on re-issue.First heard this at The Mecca, god knows when ,a CC spin if i'm not mistaken. If you don't want to play it on Nov 4th, i will !!!!! Kev.
  12. went to same gig,bit of a hazy one for me too,sign of the times !!!.Luckily some one took photos of the crowd i went with,so i know i was there!!!,,Kev.
  13. hi, i agree that there is a gap in the market , a kind of halfway house , so we've opened The Attic in Mansfield with much the same sentiments. I'ts just a small club ,playing the stuff you play at home but never hear out nowadays.At the moment its working, so we're gonna keep going, while trying to introduce a bit of rarer and underplayed bits,,Kev.
  14. hi,read this thread with interest, talk of VAT ,record prices affected by " The Economy", maybe we need something like the Footsee Index to oversee the scene?(sorry Mak,i know it's a crap joke)
  15. hi Mak, please buy one when you next see it, so you can spin it at The Attic when you guest,,,great toon,,,Kev.
  16. hi , Bazza, thanks for the mention earlier about The Attic. It's so hard to get the blend right when behind the decks.You start with a set in mind then a few sherry's later........Anyway i agree with the point you were making,,some clubs and punters suit different music, got nothing against oldies but there must be 100,000 sounds out there and not all expensive or ultra rare..Kev.
  17. hi,interesting thread, opens up the age old debate..do you want to hear the same old safe sounds, which have their place, or hear something different. After all, where would the scene be if "new" sounds were not being constantly being played. Still coming across "oldies" that i don't know after many moons on the scene.....one man's/woman's oldie is anothers newie? BTW, i still love the buzz of hearing a "new" sound
  18. hi, yes agree JJ, Motown has it's knockers ( ooh matron), one track been playing at home on Gordy,," If you love her", Bobby Taylor....great toon...crossover?..Kev.
  19. hi, just a mention about Magaret Little, when i first heard it thought it was good.After listening more on CD, thought this is TOO good.It's got all the ingredient's ,as they say, but after a while it lost it's buzz.BTW, has anyone else noticed the intro? ,sounds like some American DJ crooning "oooh baby", made me think it might be a later release?
  20. hi, anyone got info on "That wonderful girl of mine" by Ron Jefferson on Nedward, like if or when it's been played, or a price?,,thanks,,Kev.
  21. hi,think the boot/2nd issue has small text, original larger print,but i maybe wrong.
  22. hi, don't know if this has been posted before, but Toni Basil is in one of the most tripped out scenes in cinema IMO. She's in Easy Rider (1969) with Fonda, Hopper + Nicholson, and is in the Mardi Gras/ Cemetry sequence as Mary. BTW she get's her kit off, but not one glimpse of her "Kate" !!!!. Love the "Breakaway " film....
  23. hi all, anyone got any info on Ron Jefferson " That wonderful girl of mine" on Nedward. Played it locally a few times, with good response,,Kev.
  24. hi,remember going to Wigan one night straight down from the Mecca, Ian Levine did a guest spot and played Ann Sexton , Voices of East Harlem, Mel Britt, and i think Herbert Hunter. Cleared the dancefloor, cos he was from the Mecca. Funny how some people consider these sounds as Wigan Classics now, as they say , you had to be there.....Kev.

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