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Everything posted by KevH

  1. I respect your respect,respect.
  2. Isn't it titled "Keep him".? Fast version of Barbara Mason.? Used to have a date wdj...long gone...
  3. Same as forris woods John ?
  4. agree re rufus wood.
  5. didn't realise Primers was so early.!!!
  6. Should have put went for more than i hoped.!!
  7. RIP Jackie.
  8. can't believe you missed it either Mark. Went for more than I thought though.
  9. Melvin Davis acetate.Karl Heard spin at Burnley,when he sold up not sure who it went to.May well be more than one around.I was at Rugby when Johnny Weston played it,but also think Callum Simpson might have had one. No youtube clip.
  10. Melvin Davis - Lucille. Possibly John Weston on the decks.
  11. Intertains - "Need your love / Glad i found you" - Uptown..VG+..£75. Lots (when i say lots,dont mean its covered - not "selling" this am i.? ) of fine spiders web marks,NAP.None "feelable". Plays EX. Pm's please.
  12. And some of them are webbed.
  13. Seems it could be another tax "scam".? Take the first take plates,press them up on another label,claim tax back on production costs...pure speculation.....
  14. I quite like that.Loose and messy.
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Hear-Rare-R-B-Soul-45-Johnny-Lee-Jackson-The-Elgins-Please-Mr-Custer-M-/400846227761?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d544c0931
  16. Ooops missed that.
  17. No mention of Dushons.?
  18. Right place right crowd,it works Phil. Lets have a snippet of your lyrics .
  19. Wigan - Yvonne Baker,Tempo's,Younghearts, Epitome of Sound,Jeannette Williams.,Lou Roberts (you fooled me). Mecca - Ann Sexton,Mel Britt,Voices of East Harlem,Bits & Pieces,Ernest Mosely. Brit - Nomads,Ellusions. 100 club - Carla Thomas,Bobby Bland.(getting used to the blues).Soul Bros - Pyramid. Too many others to mention.
  20. touche Neil.
  21. Hi John,you could have had mine a few years back........ ...long gone now.....
  22. A jazzy version of the Ricky Allen on Tamboo. Is this known / played on the mod or rnb type scene.?
  23. Sounds good out loud.
  24. Yellow one a later release Lenny.?
  25. yes nevertheless love that tune!!

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