Without a doubt the biggest influence for me ,,Tats Taylor.
Unabounded enthusiasm,knowledge,the ability to cut thru the crap in the scene,he put up with me for quite a long time.Never tired of talking "soul",and the tapes played on the way back from the Mecca/Wigan were a genuine influence.Bring back tape sounds!!
One of the first times i went to his place when he lived at home,he'd got records hidden underneath rugs and carpets,45's everywhere(duke browner on impact was one "hidden" gem).I was still at school at the time ,Tats and just left.
Others,,,Roose,Nige Willets,Curly,Mick Padley,Johnny Maddocks,,,,,,,,,dj in the early days?
............Colin Curtis,never afraid to push the boundaries,,,,,,now?..............the list is endless............