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Everything posted by KevH

  1. if you need to ask...................... .Anyway no real soul snob would be seen dead at t'bingo.
  2. Chalky, Volumes were fantastic,almost ,dare i say it, note perfect.Heard them rehearsing Lady in Green Saturday lunchtime,shivers up the spine. Met Eula Cooper after ,got signed flyer and cheek to cheek photo .What a lovely,lovely,lovely woman (do you think she's reading this ).
  3. don't be sorry Tony.. .On Friday i was very pissed ,listened to OVO (most of the night),got a thrill out of seeing some Rare tunes,talked OVO with lots of knowledgeable folk,tried to play the bongos in the Modern Room(sorry).......had a reet top time,mixing with like minded soul snobs. Was about to chuck it all in this morning,(I know Terry,,never make a desicion Monday ),but how can you leave a scene,with SO much to discuss .
  4. c'mon guys,you know the first rule about "The Rule Book" is..you don't talk about the Rule Book.
  5. i agree paul. btw,iv'e got a print of the Mona Lisa if anyone want to pay to look at it,,,,,fook the Louvre .
  6. King Bee --- Steve Mancha - Keep on lovin me.
  7. KevH


    shmile Howard,,mek out you'r enjoying yourself........then they'll put the camera away....
  8. Albertfish,,,you are weird and creepy,probably with sexual hang-ups. I like you Welcome to Soul Source
  9. The Crow def Mecca,also spun at Yarmuff around the same time by John Kojak Harvey.Same copy?
  10. Try going to a rock n roll night,reggae night,trance night ,and tell 'em they've got it wrong. Find out what a venue does,if you like it ,go,if you don't ,then don't.!! Most venues ad themselves well.Easy to spot the 100mph niters from the more laid back nights,from the R n B nights. If you go somewhere and the music's not to your taste,maybe you've got it wrong. Then again i spend half the night talking ,a quarter dancing, the rest listening and looking thru sales boxes....so what do i know. Last thing,i've been to many soul nights over the years and had a fantastic night without stepping foot on the dancefloor.
  11. thinking the same...
  12. It does.Usually on the knees and elbows first.
  13. KevH


    don't reckon much to this speed dating!
  14. KevH


    yes,you can go to the loo......
  15. KevH


    it must have been when i was on!!!
  16. morning Jim. hammer.
  17. Why bring field events into this?.Why add a random word on the end of your post? javelin....
  18. What was the question Barry?.All this talk of wanking and tattoos,are you on the right forum?
  19. Alpaca Phase 111 - "I like to party" ((wooh,wooh,wooh,wooooooh)!!
  20. ............its just i thought Bobby Womack was on.................then read it again
  21. that's my take on it as well Gareth.
  22. You + light hearted banter??.Now i'm worried.
  23. All depends what you mean of course by "promoting". Knocking a few flyers up,going to a few venues,and using SS.?. Don't be so negative Barry. .
  24. i take it you're from the "big fish,big pond" school.

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