To Barney - Hi there.You've obviously had a good night in Forest Town,got your passions stirring.Nothing wrong with FT or passion,if you like to hear the same tunes month in month out.That's your choice.I live 10 minutes from Kingsway Hall but decided to got 2 hours away to a nighter (Burnley).
Why? For the music,the dj's and the people.
Boring as you may find it ,some of these chinstroker types have been around since the start,collecting,travelling,breaking the sounds that are considered Oldies,running venues and putting in the miles supporting the scene.
The oldies scene is a comfort zone,nothing wrong with that.But take people out of that and what you get is comments like "Don't know this therefore it must be sh*t".
There's 2 scenes at least within NS.Rare and Oldies.The fervent oldies crowd in general don't want to know anymore,but the Rare crowd have been there done that and moved on.
Parkash (Ian and Debbie). - Before slating the "chinstroker" scene how about trying it?.Done the oldies thing myself back in the day,appeals to me now and again.You'll be going to Riley Hall with Carl Piper i take it??.No-one's really interested in your clothes other than you and your friends etc...don't take it too seriously what people say.
btw if you went to Burnley you could have heard Deadbeats.
How long will NS last.? Enjoy what you're doing,thats all we need to know.I have no wish to keep repeating the same night over and over again.