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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Brett doesn't like vinyl. .Buss ones were first weren't they,followed by Mean green.? Mecca/Clee sound (with the awesome flip). (for info only ).
  2. AT LAST - a story on Soul Source with an amicable ending.Good on both of you !!!.....Kev.
  3. Not mentioned Pharcyde...you sure you American? .
  4. AAHHH!!.The feelings gone - i'm gonna say it - Choooooon.!!
  5. Actually...Yes !! Pm me Sheddie......If you mean "My sweet baby" on Action....(sorry Mods.,-). Toad's fiver?
  6. I can't find the link to your posted sites and Indalo on Youtube.
  7. Hi LJ.Which picture you talking about?.Why you embarrassed to be American.?.Hip hop died in 90?.Northern died in '69. btw Eric B and Rakim also left the legacy of "Paid in Full","I know you got soul","Microphone fiend".......................
  8. Get a load of this homies....in a area....
  9. "My sweet baby" on Action is a very nice record!!!.
  10. and Stateside.
  11. Don't frett Brett.All records worth their salt are on vinyl as all Vinylologist's know.If not Ady and the like will keep us happy. Cd's are the devils work. Is styrene dead as well?
  12. Thats the way to do it Adam..and you're right,what a load of rubbish..... In my world - You're Hired!!!!....atb ...Kev.
  13. Is it Father Capercaillie Omnibus? Father Dick Burns? Nice one Ken....
  14. Didn't go,but still got me membership card.Let PD have a look at it at Bradford,think he liked it !!!
  15. Happy New year to all. Just five for sale. P+P inc to Uk buyers. Overseas please pm first. Paypal/cash/cheques all ok. 1: LEE JENNINGS - GOING AND GET IT - DOTTYS ....EX....(funky northern).......£90.... NOW £80 2: DREAM MERCHANTS - STOP,YOU'RE BREAKING MY HEART - RENEE DJ...EX ('cept for very light pink H20 stain/label stain,about 1inch by half inch.)...£100..... NOW....£90 3:GIN & THE GENTS - DREAMS FOR SALE - ELDORADO....EX......£25..(mid to uptempo groover).. NOW £20 4:CHUCK CORBY - COMPLETE OPPOSITES - CHESS DJ...EX (sublime xover).....£20......SOLD 5: CAROL ANDERSON - HOLDING ON / IT SHOUDLN'T HAPPEN TO A DOG - MIDTOWN270...EX...(the one to have,2 sider).....£60.. ..c'mon guys...NOW..£55 Money back if not happy with your purchase, no probs.Thanks for looking...
  16. Is it Father Texas Piccadilly and the Train truckers? Or Father Zimbabwe Shoeshine? Or Father Todd Unshus? Father Timothy Hyperdermic 111.?
  17. Jimmy Raye - "That'll get it" on Moonshot.Love this tune,courtesy of Steve Green tip. Its in Refosoul. I give it a spin whenever it fits the set.
  18. Adam.Stop it with the Jo Ann Garrett.Everyone will want one Happy New Year mate.
  19. Just put that back to the front of the box.
  20. Didn't realise the Dynamics was so hard.Nice tune.
  21. Yeah,my first exposure to this barnstormer was thru that LP too Scunny.Loved it since.Got a chance on the Major Minor LP recently,but the guy wanted a little too much...Kev.
  22. Gone up a bit from 75.Last one i saw was 200,before that one at 250.Needless to say the 200 one went sharpish. But with the thread about Real deal prices atm.. 200 - 300?
  23. A record can be hot for a short time,if one is sat doing nothing in your box, and the price has gone up from 50 to 250,what you gonna do? Alot of theses type of sales are one-offs,one seller has one copy. Take Lee Fields.After JM's auction (375),it was on here for 600 and sold.!!The price then fell to around 250,never again to reach that big price. The prices are ultimately set by us with help from lists,auctions and whispers at niters .When you need a tune,you need a tune.Sense sometimes takes a back seat.
  24. Get it for 70,,as said ace flip as well.Great tune.
  25. Naughty,naughty Jocko .Surely you're not joining the "demand" set? . My old copy now resides oop North owned by a man of sartorial elegance(not Trevski ).Don't think your warm holiday will materialise - maybe you'll be able to turn the heating up for a week,what with Gas prices .....Kev.

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