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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Of course there's.. Northern Soul dancing (Wigan) Northern soul dancing (Stafford) Northern soul dancing (Blackpool Mecca : sub group circa 1975) Modern soul dancing 1979 - till present. RnB dancing 1960 - 1980.(after, it became a NS sub group). Mid tempo dancing.(NS,Modern and Crossover combined).
  2. You're into Betty Page? .You've just got yourself a groupie .Let me know when you plan on dressing up as BP at the next venue,i'll be there - ding dong !!!. Just for the record.Agree with the Ben Sherman theory.Not as good a cut and fit now as in the 60's/70's.For me Paul Smith aftershave is the only thing to wear on an evening of rare vinyl. Anyone still raiding TK Maxx for labels?
  3. £10 almost seems too cheap. "Here's 20 mate its worth it" .Quality.
  4. Beeks,Fudge wouldn't have thought it - he would have said it.
  5. Big fave in my household.I give it a spin early doors when i can.Brought Bully to his knees once with this..
  6. Basically,if the record is dog rare and it hisses, pops and has a crack in it - its ok to dj with. If its a ten quidder with the same pops and farts,you'd get publicly flogged.
  7. Thought it was a gold issue? grt 60's.
  8. Must admit when i first heard it,i could hear what i thought was a "manufactured" sound.Right at the beginning is a strange "Ohhh baby" vocal from a chap that sounds like its been added. Saying that ,folks with the knowledge say its genuine 60's - Mike Terry involved.Was it recorded for a TV show? Personally ,i like it,perfect dancer with all the ingredients.But is it too perfect............?
  9. KevH

    Short List

    Thanks for that vote of confidence Dean .
  10. Hi there.Paypal/cash/cheques all fine by me.P+P inc to UK buyers.Overseas pm first please. All Ex unless stated... PARAMOUNT FOUR - YOU DON'T KNOW(TILL IT HAPPENS TO YOU). - SOUTHERN CITY.....£75....SOLD PINKOOSHINS - MAKE IT EASY - MERCURY.....£20 MARVIN GAYE - CHANGE WHAT YOU CAN/YOU - TAMLA MOTOWN....£10 JIMMY CASTOR - JUST YOU GIRL/MAGIC SAXOPHONE - SMASH WDJ....£35....ON HOLD. RELATIVES - THREE KINDS OF LOVE - WOW...£30 US STAMPS - WE'LL FIND A WAY - GALIKO....£8 YVONNE DANIELS - DON'T WANT TO GET AWAY FROM YOUR LOVE - STERLING BOOT....Don't know what to put on it!!..Offers? Thanks for looking,money back if not satisfied........Kev.
  11. Is that the same as "Suffering wrath" Bearsy .Proper tune.
  12. Cheapy .you have mail.
  13. Beat ballads.
  14. Yet again,passionate.But i'd like to address a couple of points. 1/ - surely some of these new and recent releases from abroad and the UK are aimed at the nostalgia scene.? If not NS by name,at least aimed at a 60's retro scene.Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.But you have to acknowledge it.And if that's the case,the very people who have held the torch (pardon the pun) have a valid opinion. 2/ Nor do they musicians give a flying f*ck if its played in a trendy club in London.Or do they?. After all, the guys oop north don't know a tune when they hear it. As for the record collectors,they'd only care if the record was worth collecting. We are talking about KGF are'nt we? "Cocoon of nostalgia ,rather than seeking out and celebrating undiscovered,unchampioned and forgotten .genius...???. Which part of this applies to KGF or "north of England on crappy sound systems".? 3/ The scene is evolving all the time.The only people who keep trashing it are the ones who think their musical ear is superior.Maybe they are worried that the NS scene is actually a lot close to their ethos than they'd like to admit. New releases kick started the soul explosion,(mainly Uk releases.) bitd.Your reference to that, doesn't apply to KGF.
  15. Surely when the record shops die,they become yet another Tesco Express.?
  16. Yes,thinking the same.Don't beat around the bush T.Can you remember some advice you gave me?."Don't post on a Monday" .
  17. Is it the same as David Lee Clayton?.
  18. Cheers Tony.Can you get me a copy of LOTP? .Cheap.
  19. Wow!! Latino's from 65!!.Well i was close... .Did the Herrera Brothers sing on "I'd like to see more of you" - Mob (one of my fave tracks),,as well Tony ?
  20. No not a version of it.AC is the typical 60's beat ballad ,whereas K&A is uptempo late 60's early 70's to my ears.I really like !!!! As Weingarden as already said,,its on his show,also on the May 22 2009 show at 44.44mins in.
  21. You're right.I'm wrong here.Got my wires totally crossed.Still looking for "Life of the Party" though... . Not bad for white guys... .
  22. Got my copy when it came out............sold it not long after.Cheap.Its ok,but its not got the "legs" to turn it into anything but a nice funky number. As know, all soul dance tracks should last no more than 2.mins 30secs. No-ones mentioned the lead singer.Danny Hernandez.Has pedigree.Sang lead for The Ones.First latinos on the Motown label. Check out "you haven't seen my love" or "happy day" as an alternative to KGF. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yyn2b3T3boA&feature=related https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Febspj8GV4&feature=PlayList&p=5BD242FE11A99056&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=28
  23. Its the other release i'm interested in Perry.Apparently they only put 2 out on Destination .
  24. Sorry should have read CAIN and ABLE .As in "Relating a message to you". These aren't white.

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