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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Don't tell him your name Pike.!!
  2. Is this the cover of Eddie Foster on IN Rob?.Hurry up with that clip.....
  3. soundclip Rob?
  4. Check yer pm's?
  5. What happened to good old vinyl cleaner?.
  6. I thought it was the pink design?
  7. Wasn't it awash with the white boot tho'?...so...i take it my emidisc ain't worth sh*t? .
  8. and a UK release.Therefore an UK original.
  9. Anyone?
  10. Cost of rare/enthusiast night = endless if you include the vinyl per dj.Profit - minimal. Cost of Handbag/motown nite = cost of cd's,only one dj needed?.Profit - quite a bit better than above. Outcome - more profit from handbag nites,you know,from those who don't care.?
  11. Ian,there are people on the scene who've been around for say,20 years,who are regarded by some as "new" of even "divs" still. What's the saying in Life of Brian - "30 years behind the bell,and proud of it!.Spare a few shekels for a NS leper?".
  12. Well don't quote me on this but....Mecca - Levine , possibly Curtis.'76?. TR records.
  13. Here,here!!!.I'm not American either,and damn glad of it.
  14. Yes it does.We are a nation who thrive on it.Build it up to knock it down,that's us.Laughing in the face of adversity while someone fiddles.
  15. Been to Stoke.Agree strong line - up..
  16. And iv'e got figure to prove that some "Soul nights" are now using the term Rare/Underplayed to bring in the punters in order to put some life back into their nights. A term that wouldn't have been entertained a year or so ago.Maybe there is a shift towards vinyl/ovo?.Maybe they are diggin deeper and are actually more interested than you think. Cd's are ok for your nights Kev.Not for the venues i frequent. I feel quite the dinosaur now.....
  17. CD's should be purchased in brown paper bags,to be opened in a darkened room in the privacy of your home.They should not be allowed out of the house for fear of them breeding - triffid like , onto Da Scene. No.
  18. I am ignoring this user.
  19. Thanks Malc.I guess he's saving his exploits in renovation up,to unleash later. .
  20. Howard?.
  21. Hi any good folk got EX (or above) copies of...... Mary Davis - Danger,playboy at work - Conclave. Sue Ann Jones - I'll give you my love - TCB. Pm's please....Kev.
  22. Free 2nd class P+P too.....
  23. Hi ,anyone have contact with Barry ? He's not been on SS for a while.So if you speak to him,get him to read his pm's!!!......Kev.
  24. Mine jumps out the speakers Mark.
  25. You can only go on the IADT (thats Intermediate All-Dayer Tuition course to you ),if you've done a full risk assessment,read and understood Health & Safety,and completed a Human Kinetics course.

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