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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Yes Ian,but they'll all be young funky things,writing there own chapter of soul.Move over granddaddy...!!!! Great high energy ad.
  2. ,good stuff Mak..
  3. Anyone in mind Mark.?
  4. Thought comments on Wants/sales were not appreciated? Where's the mods when you need em? .
  5. Link to Radio slots anywhere?..Kev.
  6. And to add top that Paul,a lot of folks are still smarting from the fact that some have the audacity to start their own nights,because they didn't attend the "right" venue 20 odd years ago.Closed shop? Only if you let folks believe "they know best". There are dj's coming thru all the time,most in the 40/50 yo bracket.Only to be dismissed as "everyone's a dj nowadays".Which in itself is enough to stop anyone playing their tunes out. Keep on keeping on Paul.Us lot will be long dead soon....
  7. Is that a Babycham crate?
  8. One man's £50 is another man's £500.
  9. Reason for lack of response?.Can o Worms - too right.It'll end in tears.Who broke what where,who played it before that and so on. Breaking a new sound?.Fine line between exclusive play to overplayed.That how fickle the scene is. Butch and AD out in front.
  10. Soft cloth,warm water and a dab of Fairy Liquid.Gently clean against the grooves. I've got some vinyl record cleaner from HMV from years ago.Dont they sell it anymore?
  11. Strange,thats what he used to call me.
  12. You talking about lookbacks Adam?. As for the nighter clashes,find it hard to believe the ground work wasnt put in to find out about clashing.If it was,and i'm right ,the outcome must have been "We dont care,we're going to put it on anyway". This isn't some blame i'm trying to attach here,no agenda,but must have been the case?.Promoters dont go in with their eyes and ears closed.Getting advice from somewhere. Bottom line is,go where you want. Adam,think i've got it. RR = random chaos theory.
  13. Lots of recent stuff as well that's still not got the full exposure.Salt and Pepper has a release now,but what's with the "Rainy Day" - Parliaments obsession? . Jean Carter - "I wanna know" ....the last of the real NS sounds....?
  14. Did he shake the drips off everyone's ol'man,,or just mine?.I thought it was part of the service.
  15. .
  16. Request for Jesse James - "If you're lonely", "Thank you darling"... please.( that's if i make it)....
  17. Try Mak on here..
  18. Had the opposite happen to me at Imber one night.Someone opened a door,and it was room after room after room. After room. Not such a bad idea closing off a side room.Gives a chance to fill the main room for the last hour.

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