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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Ha! Fresh ears n all that.Crank it up.!! 409 views on here,133 on you tube....?
  2. What? Name,rank and number sonny jim.
  3. Hi Nige.Seems to be a want for quite a few.Is it being played anywhere.? Gave this a spin last March/ April at Rugby,to a good response.Always fit it in when asked to do a bit.(played it at Burnley in Oct). Not sure if there's an issue,mines the wdj. Good hunting,and a Merry Christmas....Kev.
  4. Gilly,Nicola on FB?
  5. That's it."Hot this side".!!!....but more creamier.(anorak hood up).
  6. Mine's like the second, right one Richard and Bob.But with circular sticker.
  7. What's happened to Rod's tits?
  8. The flesh colored ones also seem to have a "hot pick" sticker on them,probably as promos on the cheap?
  9. Hi Richard.He recorded "A dream" / inst ,on Boo 1002 (name mispelt as Bulter).Written by Bridges,Knight,Eaton.Came out on a flesh colored and purple-ish label. Also he recorded "Mary's house" / pt2, on Boo.I'm after one of these. https://soulfuldetroit.com/web12-fred-bridges/fred-bridges-text/12-fb-tera-shirma%20A.htm
  10. Not a 10" cut Trev,recorded.? Played at 45rpm's,then the chaps realised what it was when down to 33rpm's?
  11. Cos its Christmas,and its a time for sharing,,,and i dont play by the rules ,here's my Primers cover-up.Nothing big or clever,but has a great hammond break.Blurrs the lines between NS,Mod,Garage etc......watch for Parky in the clip getting his groove on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0cgyH3eZEg
  12. Was there once one in Butch's sales box?.
  13. A very Merry Christmas to one and all.
  14. Being likened to Denis Nilsen..you really have distinguished yourself this time.(From Dean Parrish,to the demise of the scene,to gay serial killers in one easy lesson.) Maybe you dont think you've overstepped the mark with that comment.I do.A personal attack of a nasty nature.I wasn't disgusted with your comments till now. As for me trying to stop your attention seeking ways - I'm not.You carry on as you seem fit. Sorry for going off topic mods,but i will respond if the Pontiff carries this on.
  15. But Jocko's post smacks of despair/lack of patience/minor outrage* (* delete as necessary).The emotions of someone who's glad to be off the scene? I'm sure he''ll be back to defend himself Win. As for being precious,i'm sure we all are to some extent.I've got over the shock of NS etc,being played on the radio long ago,but its still a good topic to discuss on here.So let it be discussed. Off to put some grease on the cat's boil.Carry on chaps...
  16. This is the reality on here.Discussing Dean Parrish being played on the radio.Not whether you have nothing to do with the scene anymore. How do you know JNixon is not "getting so far from reality"? You're agreeing with his post,not him...
  17. Same people hi-jacking threads again.Threads,and the scene,they apparently have no interest in.
  18. Merry Christmas Mark.Get some Milk Stout down ya. From the "Boy's in da Snug".
  19. From the pen of Smokey.....off the EP....60's lyrics to die for. Kim Weston in her MGM period.Yet again,60's to die for.
  20. I'd pay £60 for that wall art.
  21. 2 from me today.First up James Wayne & The Soothers.( youtube clip by some dodgy geezer.) Then some real grit.Some Soul Grit.

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