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Everything posted by KevH

  1. Not stopped from coming in..i'm guessing that they're locals in the main,and the soul fraternity are the outsiders.Not allowing locals in may cause problems for the venue on the other 3 weekends of the month. Memberships - applied for, from the promoter.
  2. Cos it takes a few pints to identify them? Only more and more will come to re-live their youth listening to tunes from then.If they dont know the tunes,they'll be soon back down the pub. Egg shells...nah.
  3. That's bad. If i went to a venue and felt intimidated,i'd stop going and find another venue.If any of you handbaggers,who delight in taking drinks on the dancefloor are reading this,please stay in your local pub.
  4. Saw it on the news.Will be popular i think.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-p5kqzV4jA
  6. KevH


    Tracy,you have a pm.
  7. Agreed stormer,Think Russ at Caliente may have given this a spin.
  8. Yes ,which ones?
  9. long intro...................
  10. When its a bit tight for space around the dancefloor edge,its can be quite a task getting back from B to A.The layout of some of the smaller venues means its almost a military operation getting back to your buddies without spilling a drop. Most dancers nod,and let you by,but some make it difficult and force you around them and onto the dancefloor!! Try as you might,sometimes it can't be helped. At the larger venues ,were people dance and drink,there's no excuse. I'm all for memberships btw.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpfzGuYTLIQ
  12. Mecca? Could be this....

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