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Everything posted by KevH

  1. I didn't bid on it but,that's not a very fair statement to make re:"getting a kick out of it",not everyone knows the full history etc of records.!!! Maybe their bid was what THEY thought may snag it.
  2. WILLIE HUTCH - BROTHER'S GONNA WORK IT OUT - TAMLA MOTOWN...EX.... Great tune with a Curtis Mayfield influence,on UK Motown.Its on Youtube.....£15 BUDDY LAMP - DEVI'LS GONNA GET YOU - DUKE...EX...£15 STARBRIGHT - LANGUAGE OF LOVE - DORE..EX..old mecca spin,someone must love it.!!...£15 FESTIVALS - YOU'VE GOT THE MAKINGS OF A LOVER - SMASH..EX...sublime.....£15 CARL CARLTON - TWO TIMER - BACK BEAT..EX...£10 MAJOR LANCE - SWEETER AS THE DAYS GO BY - DAKAR....EX...£10. INEZ & CHARLIE FOXX - TIGHTROPE - STATESIDE..VG+..stkr mark.....£10. DYKE & BLAZERS - LET A WOMAN BE A WOMAN - ORIGINAL SOUND..VG+....£10 BEAUFORT EXPRESS - HERE I COME - PRISCILLA....EX....£10 JAMES BROWN - MONEY WON'T CHANGE YOU - KING...EX...£10 Thanks for looking...Kev..
  3. Betty Page - hubba hubba.
  4. Someone must be lurking on here. .Its just not cricket.!!
  5. Yes agree.But a couple of the P-Vine LP's contain unreleased stuff. Sorry for the off topic.
  6. Unless you collect P-Vine LP's.
  7. Yes Dave,silver and black.Thanks for value.
  8. Hi,could i have a price please on, Reggie Milner - "She's alright" - Ron's. Thanks in advance...Kev.
  9. FREDDIE GORMAN - TAKE ME BACK - RIC TIC...EX....£15.....HOLD BOBBY BASKERVILLE - GOTCHA WHERE I WANTCHA - DOT DJ...VG-...£15.The vinyl is VG+,plays with no problems..but the label is lifting near the centre and is pockmarked,and has ring wear.... CREATIONS - OH BABY/PLENTY OF LOVE - GLOBE...EX...£25. MARSHA & DELWANDS - NO HOPE NO FAITH - ZUDAN..EX...£20 GWEN KOUSAR - THE HARDWAY - STORK..EX...£30 WESLEY PAIGE - IV'E GOT TO FIND OUT FOR MYSELF - ROJAC...EX...£20 FIVE STAIRSTEPS - PLAYGIRLS LOVE - WINDY C..EX...£10. Thanks for looking....Kev.
  10. Have you more background on this Bob?
  11. https://qis.ucalgary.ca/quantech/storage.php
  12. ,it'll grow on you Joan.
  13. Was the Marva Lee an issue.?
  14. I've always found,when i dj, a good game of "Find the Lady" a great way to pass the time,when the dancefloor empties.In fact more people play than dance.
  15. I think he meant Cobblestone - "trick me treat me" on Mercury, Bob.Not Tommy Dent.
  16. and still folks don't know its the orig.
  17. Already got my bid in Bob.
  18. Same as the Atlantic track by.....?...help, gone blank.
  19. I like the Applejacks.!!!
  20. Hi,for sale is the Cascade LP - 20 Unknown Great Soul Classics.I've had this since the mid 90's,tough one to track down, especially because of the Cressa Watson tune. Tracks include... CRESSA WATSON - SWEET TEMPTATION MILLIONAIRES - AND THE RAINS CAME ....plus tracks by Mary Love,Vernon Garrett,Yvonne Baker,Margo White..etc.. Cover - EX Vinyl - EX. £50 +PnP......SOLD....
  21. What did i say on Saturday youth...
  22. I this the same BB?
  23. Is this Dean's new sales angle?
  24. KevH

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