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Everything posted by KevH

  1. One of 3 Vernon Burch Mecca tracks. Vernon Burch - I'll be your sunshine.
  2. Liking the Ascots,Cunnie.
  3. Women like it harder, i've heard Joan.
  4. Keep on telling yourself that Barney.We will end up with a self-sorting-diluted scene,that resembles some fantasy land from bitd.
  5. Why not? Ok,off topic,but 50% of the scene at least is built on OVO. Are we to look down on folks who are interested in labels now......?
  6. Downtown.!!!
  7. Enjoyed Jools again.Apart from the dandy highwayman.
  8. Don't tempt me Bearsy Its called "youngsters coming through" not "following through".
  9. The Kingsmen released a 60's track "Just a b side".
  10. Cant find 7" version,this is the 12". Milton Hamilton - a love supreme.
  11. Posted these before but here again.... Sidney Thomas - look lets make a love.
  12. Bill Brandon & Lorraine Johnson - Let me be your full time groover.
  13. Another Bill Harris,Mecca tune...."Am i cold,am i hot".
  14. Herbie Mann - Waterbed.
  15. Southside Movement - Do it to me.
  16. Keith,i guess you've already seen this,but... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261137982925?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  17. Pete,GL was as bad as it gets.I was there as a spotty naive kid,and it still left an impression on me.
  18. Translations please.
  19. Dolly Gilmore is fantastic.Played at the right venue,right crowd.I love me uptempo,but this has everything. Surely some venue,up North,maybe on a Sunday afternoon,would play this.

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