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Everything posted by Martint

  1. mine is TSU Toronados- Play the music toronados (Volt) 35 degrees C summer warmth in a groove
  2. yes I saw you got that one, nice one! I have another great 45 you might like by Ella Thomas and the Dolletts -Thing called love on GD&L - manship has a sound file on his rarest of the rare - I have a spare (wouldn't sell my own copy)- fantastic hammond back soul groover that's also waiting to get the attention it deserves here's the link to JM's file (he also has one for sale for 350ukp, but I can do a bit better than that!) https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/sounds/exists...his_called_love
  3. I really like it though I am very aware of the loathing and hatred that many people have for it I do like a bit of cheesy hammond though...
  4. played it at walls of heartache the other week, ace tune, fine taste sir. Usually seen for around 400ukp and the (superior) version of I'll be waiting is also brilliant, but I prefer LPFG side myself.
  5. I have a copy of Betty Lavett up for grabs at the link below on www.record-dealer.com : https://www.record-dealer.com/auctiondetails.php?id=109147 Martin
  6. Gene, I think it's short skirt, SNEAKERS and my pink sweater, you perve
  7. personally I think it's one that sounds good in a venue and dreadful at home. I've played it out a couple of times and always had good feedback to be honest, though I'm not sure if it's really ever likely to be 'in demand' to the point of driving the price much above 150-ish myself but who knows. I don't think the 700 or whatever it was in JM's second guide, is very realistic. Martin
  8. there's a seller on ebay who I'm fairly certain has been dripping the Ollie Jackson out for several years, and all mint. Might be worth contacting them direct next time you see one listed - seem to normally go for around 200-250ukp (possibly a bit less) on ebay every time. Nice little earner! Been playing this for yonks myself, great track, as is Fab Appollas (much prefer some good to the one alone meself)
  9. well it's something of a snowball thing - the site is extremely well linked into google, and so the more items get listed, the more people come across them, and the more people join and the more items get listed etc etc etc. For example, I have demo of In my tenement by Roosevent Grier up for sale. Try going to google and typing roosevelt grier northern soul 45 and see what comes back. Like I said, I've no expectation of making a bean for a long time if ever, but now that most of the hard work has been done and it is up and running and soundly hosted, I'm very happy to give free unlimited use to any SS members for life. It might come in handy if you wanted to offer a piece at auction to other members (while also potentially getting outside interest), or just having your lists of records for sale visible and findable on the internet (as records can be listed as auction or as set sale). I also recently uploaded pete's catalogue to the site and can do the same for anyone else using my bulk loader software (or you can do it yourself if you are reasonably handy at figuring out excel etc). All free. Just register then send me a PM on here. I have a European (non soul) dealer who will be adding 5000 non soul items next week- all helps to make it more visible. Martin
  10. obvious mod 45s (Action, Artwoods, Eyes, Birds, Who etc) early 80's synth pop especially Devo, Japan, Tubeway Army and *many many* more 60's Latin soul 45s Hammond jazz/soul 45 and albums US releases by UK 60's pop/Beat bands (i.e. US releases by mersey beat acts, small faces, who etc) The Zombies, Early Mothers of Invention verve stuff, Beach Boys 'classic' pop disco from the late 70's medway scene records, albums, memorabillia etc. (see my site www.medwaypowerhouse.com esp the Claim, The Dentists, The Prisoners, Milkshakes and many many more) and probably more besides....
  11. did you see my reply or do you already have your own site up? Martin
  12. what, like something like www.record-dealer.com ? I'm open to suggestions in terms of collaboration, free use etc. In fact I have previously posted on here offering 100% lifetime free use to soul sourcers and a number of people have taken me up on it. I'm quite happy to extend that to anyone else for the time being. I have the site, I have records on it, and I want to get more people using it. I'm not expecting to make any money out of it for a long time if ever. In the meantime it does all you need and more. You will notice that the site has detailed categories for northern soul including clear sections for boots and reissues, UK or US etc etc. and categories can be changed and amended very easily. Martin
  13. I was just looking at some of the boots on there and the mental prices they are getting (35 quid upwards for LOTS of different ones). What irritates me is people advertising boots as ' rare limited editions' or suchlike.... still, it's the bidders you have to feel sorry for. I can only assume that some people think it is worth paying 50 quid for a 3 quid boot rather than paying 600 quid for a real one because 50 quid is, er, a lot less than 600 quid, and, er, therefore, it's a good, er, deal...... Martin
  14. I've been playing it out regularly for about 5 years since Pete Smith managed to prise it from a friends grasp for me in return (by sheer coincidence) for the same amount you are offering (which I think should get you one if one can be found!)
  15. can't sell you mine I'm afraid Andy but good luck, copies do seem to appear from time to time. Will be giving it a blast on Friday possibly.....
  16. interesting, I know a few people who are making a living selling fake designer gear on ebay, lacostes etc i.e. for 15 quid 'brand new and tagged'. Obviously fake (mainly all chinese manufactured) and there's SHITLOADS of it on ebay - they're (as in ebay) obviously just pretending not to have noticed it! None of the listings describe the goods as fake and you just have to use common sense to work out yourself whether a brand new 250 quid coat can really be sold for 30 quid by someone in the UK
  17. well if a seller behaved in that manner on my site, they would be immediately banned and end of. Martin
  18. will you be bringing your new record box down to solid hit soul Dave? If so, can't wait.... Oh and there's www.covers33.com -these are probably the most popular and the cheapest. They're not the strongest, so it depends if they're going to be travelling alone in the cargo hold of a large jumbo jet, or travelling on your knee on a train/cab..... The other benefit is that if you forget your key, you can almost guarantee that another DJ will have one of these boxes and so be able to lend you theirs
  19. yes I'll 'third' that, not expensive, certainly 25 quid-ish these days. Martin
  20. hmm, in order to bring it sort of back on track, am trying to think of soulful (as in northern soulful) guitar based tracks or ones where the guitar features prominently..... there must be some apart from Dean Parrish I'm on my way oh, and Eddie Bo Our love will never falter ( without straying too far into the obviously more guitar based R&B side of things)... someone help me out please, I'm sure I'm having a brain failure here....
  21. I ended up selling a copy of Al Johnson for 75. To be fair, with some records there is a less clearly defined 'price' for them. At the time I acquired it, I saw Al Johnson listed for 200 quid on some sites (probably still is) but when I failed to shift at ever decreasing prices I just kept reducing it until it did sell. I don't think it's necessarily greedy to ask 150 quid for a record which is listed on several 'big dealers' lists for 200 quid, especially when it also getting talked about, though you have to decide whether you want to keep it forever or start reducing it if it doesn't sell. Dreadful record IMO anyway... at the end of the day you have to pay the 'going rates' for the records you want, so you have to try and get 'the going rates' for records you sell. We all over and under pay and probably over and under price from time to time. Nobody is perfect in that regard. Martin
  22. nothing would surprise me coming from a Rick Astley fan. Grant Green, yes very nice. Not a patch on Bananarama though for soul power. Seriously though, Rick Astley came round our house the other night to ask if he could borrow a spanner to undo the trap so he could sort out his blocked sink in his one bedroom flat. We told him to piss off and buy his own. Martin

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