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Everything posted by Martint

  1. let me know what you're offering, I'm not desperate to sell but might be temptable.... cash preferred but trades considered (EX copy plays perfectly)
  2. PMSL but what was she doing in the toilets with all the older blokes in the first place
  3. I know it might seem hard but you need to try going up and speaking to people - you will, in 99% of the time find them to be friendly and approachable. I usually make a point of trying to say hello to people I see at either of our events (in my sig) if they appear to be on their own or if I don't recognise them, and I then make sure that when I go off, I have introduced them to at least 3 others so they are not 'on their own'. Not everyone appreciates being spoken to but I, and the people I do the nights with, do try and do this anyway because we genuinely welcome and want to encourage new people to come along, regardless of whether they are 20 or 70. If the crowds seem to be clicky it's because they are most likely friends who have been meeting each other at various nights for many years. Doesn't mean to say that anyone is unwelcome. The fact is, if there are 15 people at a night and they all know each other (and this IS likely these days) then of course you are going to feel like an outsider but it doesn't mean that those other people see you as such, and you can either go home and cry about it or do something about it. If it was either of our nights, I will personally buy you a pint and force you to speak to at least 6 people at the next one (attendances allowing ). If it wasn't then, as said, sort out a meet up with some others who are going either there or beforehand and you won't look back..... Martin
  4. that's exactly what I do - if I'm guesting I always get there early and if in doubt, because for some reason I couldn't get there right at the start, ask if something has already been played. In fact I tend to worry as much about whether I should even play records which I'm aware other DJ's there have in their boxes (from playlists I've read etc.) I can understand it to a degree if someone is literally DJing across the country and bobbing in for an hour and then driving 50 miles to their next gig, but when it's someone at a 'local' night who swans in 15 minutes before their set, repeats tunes, then disappears 15 minutes after to go to home or to the pub, you know you're not going to ask them back again
  5. amazing story, amazing post.... nice one Pete
  6. ah right yes, I have seen some of their stuff - in fact some unbelievable 60's stuff. Disagree with you on the 'general' rating (though not on the rarity) of the Eyes EP though, it's one of the coolest 60's 'artefacts' there is IMO and the sleeve is just amazing. Defo better to get the 45s for playing of course, but as EP's go, it's one of the best for me.....
  7. have seen it more than once for as low as £25 in recent months, great record as well.....
  8. wow really? I hope it has 30 mint copies of the Artwoods EP as well as I'd love one of those - 'which' Scottish collection??? Thought I'd seen one or two mint ones for sale lately.... haven't seen the Eyes going for that much on ebay in recent years though, normally 300-400ukp, certainly hasn't 'kept pace' with, for example, northern 45s, even ones where 50- 100 copies or more have flooded onto the market etc.
  9. I took the original poster to be referring to UK beat acts which have been picked up on the soul scene rather than UK acts trying to 'do soul' - possibly a distinction somewhere in my warped mind that doesn't mean anything
  10. I actually really like it, and I've got a US demo stashed away somewhere I do like pop sh*** as well though mind.....
  11. good call Seb re Timebox, in fact, thinking about in the sobre light of day, there must surely be LOADS more.... and yes, I'm rowed out .
  12. The Eyes - never in a million years on the n soul scene -I have a copy of the EP at home along with a couple of their Mercury 45s (just need You're too much to complete the set) and brilliant in their place, as you say.... Soul scene wise - doubt if much has had mainstream acceptance - have played The Hipster Image - can't let her go (decca) and Band of Angels - Invitation (Pye) - the latter has gone down well, otherwise not sure what else beatwise ( as opposed to 'UK northern') would fit the bill... wouldn't count on the Action or the Artwoods, or the Birds cutting the soul scene mustard despite their brilliance
  13. I think it's a brilliant pop record, I like it in the same way I like 'You on my mind' by Swing Out Sister, I wouldn't expect to hear either at a northern soul night though but at a student disco, it would be a killer record IMO
  14. yes steve, but you need to have a catchy 'pigeonhole description' at the ready so simple folk like me can conceptualise it - you mean a '60's under £50-a-record-except-if-on-british-oldies night'
  15. well said sir, couldn't have put it better myself....
  16. I was just going to make the same point - whatever people say, many records HAVE turned up in large quantities over the last few years but people have persisted in acting like they were still 'rare'..... many records which people are still trying to get £200-£300 quid for are constantly offered for sale all over the place in mint condition. I agree that some serious reality checks are needed and will come soon, I could list a number of records which have 1. become available in quantity in recent years (or were always available just not in demand) 2. had a flash of 'next big thing' exposure which sent or kept the price high 3. are now played out or in the hands of wannabe DJ's who are fed up 4. and are now being offered for sale everywhere - but the prices haven't 'dropped'.... bottom line being that many people can only see the value of their records going up at all costs, and some have become convinced that buying these records is safer than their pension over recent years. Unwise IMO...... I have always bought and sold bits and bobs along the way but I love my 'core' collection dearly and wouldn't want to sell them no matter what. I wouldn't want to be in the position of having a collection (especially a recently bought one) which I regarded as a pile of cash which I was going to rely upon for anything 'real life'....
  17. ha ha thanks, sleepy typo Tony
  18. after a copy of this cheapie if anyone has a spare knocking about (preferably mintish) Martin
  19. I think what has happened is that the price of the Lyrics has dropped quite dramatically over the last year or two
  20. the impressions - 'stop the war' from their incredible 'times have changed' album
  21. I remember somebody rather (in)famously playing this at Brighton one alldayer several years ago - STOMPER!!!
  22. Shufflers - Always be mine (Crackerjack)
  23. wow, stunning and what an amazing voice, thanks for posting

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