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Rushden Vic

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Everything posted by Rushden Vic

  1. imho no such thing as a bargain from a dealer , as most of the dealers are doing it as there main source of income, there generally looking for maximum profit, not meaning to demean them as i know a lot of them put hours of hard work into sourcing records and offering a good service to there customers ,so a lot of collecters are more than willing to pay there prices, but to be honest the only place i find bargains is on evil bay
  2. hi chalky as you know detroit academicals and the castaways were in the 80s both top nights for different reasons cliff and neil in northampton had a upfront music policy at the time and the castaways was generally only a twice a year event which used to pack em in 300+ not sure where you banged your head but a lot of interbreeding in these ere parts so stunted growth and web feet meant for low ceilings
  3. well being at the blunt end of the northern scene heres 10 im playing robert young - your future - soulsastions regents - what you gonna do - mad sonny jones - stolen moments - scram revels - i want a new love - trent town mar js - got to find a way out -- magic touch headlines - hes lookin for a love - luau winston richards - lets get together - trex tootsie rollers - give me love - me-o toni washington - good things - kon ti keith curtis - i got keep you baby - smoke
  4. thanks for the tip baz , but i prefer to only give my email to loose women
  5. far left
  6. huh huh huh
  7. val i might be interested in those 12 inch records you have as i need something to put on the bonfire on nov 5th. hope to see you and young baz at lifeline.
  8. be wary of the south york mafia and there lackey , whose welsh
  9. had the devotions on a tape from butch over 20 years ago , also had mr lucky - i was born to love you , west coast dist - girl i love you , john wesley - melic , mello souls etc etc. on the tape
  10. You have to be of a certain age to remember groove city 15 portland st . kings lynn I agree that the amount of records john was bringing in during the 70s anythings possible but usually anything he had quantity of was on is list cheap £1 - £5 although he did have imperial c s - phila and lee mckinney /magnetics -keep holding on on the £1 specials page in the late 70s .which were unknown at the time . ive still got most of the lists from 1974 to about 83. and looking at them now the amount of quality rarieties for under £20 is unbelievable. if only we knew then little eddie taylor - £7 joseph moore £12 lester tipton £40 montclairs - arch £20 the list is endless the best buy i had although i didnt know it at the time was a al williams - la beat white demo £35 that was in 1980. Other things like donna coleman was always £4 , tony hestor on karate must have had loads of them readily available for a £1 for months , there was quantity on ty karim - lighten up - romark that record was so easy to get for years for a quid how it commands such prices now amazes me. not to be confused with lighten up baby - caramel which was £15
  11. yes sell them all i will give you 50pence each youknow it makes sense
  12. soul bowl definately had quantity of is this really love - cedric , john always listed the other side tighten up you love bone which was usually on his list for a £1. in the mid 80s there was only 3-4 known copies of cheatin kind - clive jones -birmingham had one tony clayton and myself the 4th one was in south wales . i sold mine in 1990 to gary spencer for £2000 which was the most a soul 45 had fetched at the time. it seems a few more a have turned up in the last few years .
  13. remember dancing to this in the highland room - blackpool as a 16 year old in 1974, loved it then ,still sounds ok ,but ive a soft spot for all the mecca sounds
  14. to be honest djs like tony dellar are one of the reasons i stopped going to local soul nights if your happy hearing the same 50 records played over and over and want to live in a time warp of 30 years ago thats fine but to me the rare /northern soul scene as always been about progressing and wanting to hear something differrent. there are literally thousands of good 60s and 70s records that have only recieved minimul plays . in my opinion the one dj who has been the mainstay over the last 20 years is without a doubt mark dobson (butch) his ability to find and play good quality soul records is head and shoulders above the rest
  15. hi karen it was cliff steele who played it at lifeline nice tune

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