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Rushden Vic

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Everything posted by Rushden Vic

  1. nice to hear from you steve ive had em all and sold them in a moment of madness years back , mind you i did have a headlines - luau £20 and a les chansonettes £35 from you at stafford
  2. burnley tonight then old trafford to watch the mighty reds tomorrow ted so dont think i will make it to wolverhampton ,but you never know , the red issues of john bowie and yellow issues of larry atkins both turned up in quantity in late 70s so got to be the demos of both me thinks or a romark larry atkins
  3. huh huh huh
  4. something you may hear whilst shopping in tescos
  5. simon if you look at events lookbacks - the february lifeline weekender there are some playlists listed
  6. SOLD ------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. huh huh huh
  8. huh huh huh
  9. huh huh huh
  10. ive tried pricing these to move them quickly the clyde allen i thought was usually 150- 200 , maybe someone could post a sound clip
  11. updated
  12. hi ian i pmed you last friday , dont know whats happened , i will try again
  13. huh huh huh
  14. each to his own but the jazz funk thing never did anything for me , and i found refuge at venues like cleethorpes , st ives and later the yate allnighters , could never cope with the jazzfunkers in there plastic sandles and blowing whistles for most of them it was just the latest fashion statement . if the jazz funk thing was supposedly progress , i didnt want to be part of it i was hearing great 60s/ early 70s records like inspirations- midas , lester tipton, jimmy gresham , and collecting things i had first heard at the mecca like minnie jones , joseph moore montclairs - arch , difficult to remember many bad records played as you tend to remember the ones you like and it is 30 years ago . although another couple i would put on the poor list was the fugitives - human jungle and although it seemed ok at the time the awful commodores - the zoo
  15. luckily i havent heard the brothers since the 70s , i must go to the wrong venues . mecca biggies that sound poor now paul humphreys - cochise , gearge clinton -please dont run , dave mitchell - the trip ,mistura - life is a song worth singing , levines little lee howell cover up aka marc copage - who can i turn to
  16. whats this who can do a big list of records , i was refering to the period post 75 when from being a venue playing upfront 60s and brand new soul releases , levine took the mecca elsewhere new york disco and then jazz funk , i stopped going mid 76 for this reason . i was happy dancing to and buying things like essex iv , innersection, boby franklin,gorgeous george , third point ,philly devotions etc etc along with the 60s stuff , but i felt at the time the music was becoming more alien to me has levine and curtis went along the new york disco route . anyone remember being in the highland room when the javells - goodbye nothing to say - was played the dance floor was rammed .
  17. huh huh huh
  18. yes all the crap they played after 1975 - new york disco my arse
  19. UPDATED betty lloyd - SOLD satisfactions - take it or leave it - smash £100 m- pat & the blenders SOLD housten outlaws - SOLD flirtations - SOLD edward hamilton - baby dont you weep - mary jane £225 ex pm or email jenandtony@hotmail.co.uk

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