For Sale - last 4 copies
Jimmy Delphs - mind going in same direction / country girl - eastbound mint- £30 SOLD
pm or email postage within U.K £2.50 recorded Europe /U.s.a varies
Interesting has John Anderson /Soul Bowl used to put the Tommy Rogers in 100 count Soul Packs in the late70s , I know I had 2 copies at the time and couldn't sell them at £1 .
And to think I was done by Steve Smith one night at Stafford circa 86 when he wanted £35 for a les chansonettes I offered him £30 he declined so we decided on the toss of a coin, he won so I had to pay £35 I was gutted
For Sale - Rare Ohio Sweet Soul 45
The 7th House - I cant believe you are mine / Can you find your way - DeBrossard condition Ex £100 sold
pm or email postage £2.50 recorded or £6.50 Special delivery U.S.A / Europe varies