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Everything posted by Scubarat

  1. Kerist Rosemary - judging by the number of posts you must be right regarding the quality of Burnley Allnighter. Joolz, Mark, Matt & I are looking forward to our 1st at the Kestrel. Really looking forward to seeing the bats oh yes and a dance or two. xx
  2. if you know of any spare wrist bands for Friday only let me know. I need 3 maybe 4. If not but your going then have a great weekend. Steve D
  3. Jimmy Gilmer - Thunder n' Lightnin' - DOT Artist: Jimmy Gilmer Title: Thunder N' Lightnin' Label: dot One hell of a record I heard recently for first time at Gloucester Nighter - Thanks for the info Tabs
  4. I can't believe after all this time that I am not the only one still waiting for a refund (£60), does anyone have any idea how much is still owed? Like most people I am sick to death of ringing, texting & emailing with virtually no reply. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in this apparent scam and as such would request this thread runs & runs until such time that every pound has been justly received. Try to KTF.
  5. Scubarat

    It's me

    Pictures of me
  6. Scubarat


    From the album: It's me

  7. Scubarat


    From the album: It's me

  8. Scubarat


    From the album: It's me

  9. Scubarat


    From the album: It's me

  10. Scubarat

    soul 01443

    From the album: It's me

  11. Scubarat

    soul 00255

    From the album: It's me

  12. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  13. Scubarat


    How we've changed!
  14. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  15. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  16. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  17. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  18. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  19. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  20. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  21. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  22. Scubarat


    From the album: Wigan

  23. Same story for me - emails not being answered - gone very quiet - I hope it was'nt a scam!
  24. Just over a year ago, my wife opened a Dancewear Shop in the village of Kibworth in Leicestershire. She sells primarily ballet etc. but has started stocking other genre ie. ballroom, jazz. I have suggested there may be a market for NS wear, if only for me and my buddies. My questions to the interested are: 1 - What you would like to see on the shelves? 2 - Would you like off the peg or made to measure? 3 - Would you visit, phone or use the internet? I told my wife that I would support this new venture but only for 3 years. If by then she has not made a £million then I shall be taking over the shop. I will be selling NS Vinyl & motorbikes during the day and at night the shop will be a lap dancing club. Every female in the village wants her to succeed but I am not sure about every male. Who are you rooting for? I will probably tell from your answers. Thanks in advance. Steve D

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