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About Scubarat

  • Birthday 19/12/1960

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  • Location
    Kibworth Beauchamp, Leicestershire
  • Interests
    3 daughters, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, 1 owl, 2 parrots, 100+ aviary birds, 2 fish & 1 hamster so my sanctuary when not working long hours is Motorbikes - recently moved onto SuperMoto from GSXR750 Sports bike (scared me to much). Also I do as much hill climbing and walking as possible although this is very painful the pay-back are the views. My third vice is Northern Soul which started in 1977 and ended when Wigan shut. But like so many others I have been born again for about 3 years and have just started collecting vinyl - don't tell the wife.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Job Opening - Del Larks

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  1. Kerist Rosemary - judging by the number of posts you must be right regarding the quality of Burnley Allnighter. Joolz, Mark, Matt & I are looking forward to our 1st at the Kestrel. Really looking forward to seeing the bats oh yes and a dance or two. xx
  2. if you know of any spare wrist bands for Friday only let me know. I need 3 maybe 4. If not but your going then have a great weekend. Steve D
  3. Jimmy Gilmer - Thunder n' Lightnin' - DOT Artist: Jimmy Gilmer Title: Thunder N' Lightnin' Label: dot One hell of a record I heard recently for first time at Gloucester Nighter - Thanks for the info Tabs
  4. I can't believe after all this time that I am not the only one still waiting for a refund (£60), does anyone have any idea how much is still owed? Like most people I am sick to death of ringing, texting & emailing with virtually no reply. It is comforting to know that I am not alone in this apparent scam and as such would request this thread runs & runs until such time that every pound has been justly received. Try to KTF.
  5. Scubarat

    It's me

    Pictures of me
  6. Scubarat


    How we've changed!
  7. Same story for me - emails not being answered - gone very quiet - I hope it was'nt a scam!
  8. Just over a year ago, my wife opened a Dancewear Shop in the village of Kibworth in Leicestershire. She sells primarily ballet etc. but has started stocking other genre ie. ballroom, jazz. I have suggested there may be a market for NS wear, if only for me and my buddies. My questions to the interested are: 1 - What you would like to see on the shelves? 2 - Would you like off the peg or made to measure? 3 - Would you visit, phone or use the internet? I told my wife that I would support this new venture but only for 3 years. If by then she has not made a £million then I shall be taking over the shop. I will be selling NS Vinyl & motorbikes during the day and at night the shop will be a lap dancing club. Every female in the village wants her to succeed but I am not sure about every male. Who are you rooting for? I will probably tell from your answers. Thanks in advance. Steve D

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