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Everything posted by grant

  1. Leo Price - Hey Now Baby (Hull) vg++ £140 SOLD Eddie Bishop - Call Me (ABC) vg++ small edge chip DNAP £180 (SOLD) Buster & Eddie - Can't Be Still (Class) pink label Ex £300 SOLD New Holidays - My Baby Aint No Plaything / Maybe So Maybe No (Westbound) Ex £125 Thunderbirds -It's Over (Randy) rarer blue-eyed version of the Bands of Gold - rare and underplayed (was covered up) Ex £200 Hesitations - Im Not Built That Way (Kapp demo) Ex £180 (SOLD) Constellations - I I Didn't Know How To (Gemini) Ex £185 SOLD Barbara McNair - Your Gonna Love My Baby ( Motown map design) Ex £100 (SOLD) Errol Dixon - The Hoop (Direct) Ex £100 postage free on all of the above
  2. Willie Parker - Ive Got To Fight It (original on M-Pac) Ex £150 Herbert Hunter - Happy Go Lucky (Spar) M- £100 Victors - Hurt (Phillips issue) vg++ to Ex £185 Jades - I Know The Feeling Ex £185 Signed for p+p free
  3. Got demo probably around EX looking for £280
  4. Icemen - It's Time You Knew Ole-9 EX £325 The Sheppards - Stubborn Heart / How Do You Like It . Jay Boy EX £85 inludes signed for postage
  5. One for sale here if your not sorted yet
  6. Janice EX condition looking for £120 incl signed for delivery
  7. Got a Janice for sale let me know if u have sourced one and I'll check condition of mine
  8. Got one for sale will check condition and come back to you with a price
  9. Natural Four - I Thought You Were Mine - very slight crackle at start vinyl has a few scratches and blemishes on it which don't affect play never had any issues Djing with would grade at vg+ £200 Monzas - Instant Love(vg+) plays great £40 P+P £2.75 signed for
  10. Hi mate would grade between vg++ and ex looking for £325 Thanks
  11. Got the blue issue for sale will check condition and get back to you
  12. International GTOs I Love My Baby
  13. Ok will reserve it for you Charlie Thanks
  14. Ice men - It's Time You Knew (Ole-9) ex £375 Delegates of Soul - I'll Come Running Back (Up Look) water damaged label like most but vinyl ex condition £400 SOLD free signed for postage
  15. Tony Michaels - I Love The Life Live / Picture Me & You (Golden World demo ) ex £120 great double sided (SOLD) Celestrals - Checkerboard Lover / I Feel It Coming On (Don-El) ex another great double sided £70 James Carr - A Losing Game (Goldwax) ex £30 Buck Rogers Movement - Take It From Me Girl (21st Century) ex £100 Christopher Cerf - Sweet Music (Amy) big un from Wigan Ex £50 (On Hold) Danelle Darris - Don't Love Me & Leave Me / Lets Do The Shotgun (Commerce) Ex yet another top double sided both on Youtube £100 Robert John - Raindrops, Love & Sunshine (A&M) ex £50 Pat Powdrill - Together Forever (Downey demo red vinyl) ex £75 Patty Charles - Love Is Like A Holiday (Hot) ex £100 Robin Rice - Ive Had It (Crackerjack demo) vg++ £80 p&p £3 signed for please PM to reserve thanks
  16. If you didn't get sorted on this I have one for sale
  17. Pm'd you
  18. My copy arrived today top notch as per usual Pete many thanks
  19. Otis Leavill - im Amazed (Limelight demo ) vg++ £40 now £30 Shang - There She Goes (Soulville) ex £40 now £30 Garnett Mimms - Prove It To Me (UA) ex £25 SOLD Shirtails - I Want You To Stay With Me (Date demo) ex £40 now £30 Little Sherman - The Price of Love (abc demo) vg+ £15 SOLD Ad Libs - Johnny My Boy (Blue Cat) vg++ £50 now £40 p+p £3 signed for thanks for looking
  20. Lol always said that since I first heard it
  21. Mickey Lee Lane - Hey Sah-Lo-Ney (Swan) vg++ £40 SOLD Taj Mahal -A Lot of Love (Columbia demo) vg+ £30 SOLD Lee Andrews - Nevertheless (Crimsom multi coloured original) ex £50 SOLD Gerri Thomas - Look What I Got (World Artists demo) vg++ £40 SOLD £3 signed for p+p
  22. No problem Fred thanks for letting me know
  23. not sure about description on this one certainly ain't the copy I had and I struggled to sell it for £100 so has the price of this really shot upwards? https://www.rarenorthernsoul.com/Rare-70s-80s/50103/the-thought-of-loving-you-harmony/#product
  24. White grapevine demo here for sale

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