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Everything posted by grant

  1. I'm doing a show that goes out on a saturday evening (will be mainly pre-recorded) for Pure Radio Stockport, anyone interested in coming in the studio and putting down around 10 -12 tracks very welcome - just PM me and I will put your name down, likely to start recording shows around end April.
  2. The Trip - Dave Mitchell & The Screamers Gene Chandler - There Was A Time
  3. Mighty Marvelos - Talkin Bout Ya Baby Al Keny - Way You've Been Acting Lately Jackie Wilson - Waht You Gonna Do AboutLove Soul Bros Inc - All The Time Jerms - I'm A Teardrop Grant
  4. There is another version by the 'Soul Generation' Colin Grant
  5. Your'e 3 choices are top mate but the one's you name and shame Fuffy Flana etc - all top tunes with the exception of Joey whatshisname
  6. Sorry folks --- it don't float the old boat, very ordinary ..but in the strange world of northern soul..... i've heard a lot worse
  7. Must admit I had one and sold it about a year ago for £15.00 but only paid a few dollars for it still sealed. Grant
  8. Thank you Pete
  9. Couple here up for grans PM me if interested Squires - Don't Accuse Me - GEE DJ £80.00 HELD Oscar McLollie - Nursery Rhymes - Showtime DJ - 30 Jimmy Lipscomb - Pow Pow Pow - Monique DJ £40 Baby Jane & Rockabyes - Half Deserted Street - SPOKANE £15 Robin Rice - Ive Had It - Crackerjack - £50 Susan Maughan - That Other Place - Phillips £15 HELD Joanie Sommers - Never Throw Your Dreams Away - Columbia DJ £20 Garnett Mimms - Looking For You - UA (US) £60 HELD Rick Randell - When I Wasm A Kid - MGM Demo £50 NF Porter - Keep On Keeping On - Lizard £10 Patrick Bradley - Just One More Chance - Decca DJ (vocal both sides) £40 June Jackson - What's Underneath That Counts - Imperial £65 Derek & Ray - Interplay/Dragnet 67 RCA Demo - £25 Linda Llloyd - Breakway Columbia DJ £175 Thanks for looking Grant
  10. the longer the Premiers remains unknown the better
  11. Thanks Mark - BTW you are more than welcome to put your name forward for a show mate...
  12. Kin ell thats terrible
  13. Mr Waring - how are you? Listen out for a show I am doing starting in next couple of months when Pure Radio Stockport goes out on air - not sure exact day yet but may possibly clash with Searling - but I promise to play DIFFERENT stuff every week I will be looking for any volunteers to come on and spin a few sounds too.. so if anyone interested let me know and I will pencil you in Grant
  14. Prince & Princess - Stick Together Turley Richards - I Feel Alright Legends - Deep Inside Executive 4 - Got A Good Thing Going Derek Ray - Dragnet 67 ...to name but a few oldies you rarely hear
  15. Spencer Wiggins - Lets Talk It Over - utter shite - but loved by many
  16. Susan seems to put a bit more into it IMVHO
  17. At work Mark but will give it aplay tonite and let you know mate
  18. Another one by The Legends that is defo 100mph Mark is 'Deep Inside' (Pumpkin) - probably a different Legends though. Great overlooked Casino spin by Alan Rhodes. Grant
  19. one with no top on (male!!) is Sandy Holt
  20. Certainly THE fastest Chalky ........great tune...........Combinations 'Whatcha Gonna Do' not far behind it either
  21. Run Baby - Dalton, James & Sutton - white label - escapes me Definitely played at wigan by Alan Rhodes or R Searling c1977/78 Great uptempo dancer - guitar influenced tune - very white!
  22. Just in process of selling up collection, so anyone interested PM me and I will send list when fully compiled :- originals, pressings, 45's and LP's, examples Linda Lloyd- Breakaway (Columbia); Jimmy Lipscomb (Monique); Tempests LP; Rufus Lumley LP; Harley Hatcher LP; Johnny Wyatt LP; Pat Powdrill - Do It; Willi Parker - I've Got To Fight It - MPac; Booby Goldsboro - Too Many People UK UA Issue; Garnett Mimms - Lookin For You UA U.S.; Many more Grant

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