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Everything posted by grant

  1. Hey Neil - is that an actual flag with MUFC / Northern Soul ? Look better in the colours of MCFC mate
  2. Errmmm.....crap Simon - never been a fan of blank messages
  3. What????
  4. Bracelets - Your Just Fooling Yourself Magicians - Keep Your Hands Off My Baby Helen Glover - Jus Like That Yvonne Vernee- - Does He Love Me Anymore Cheers in advance Grant
  5. Bit of a better recording (if it works!!) Rhetta_Young___You_Beat_Me_To_The_Punch.mp3
  6. Love these Mark - only problem is my player on my pc at work plays everything at 100mph - even Bobby Kline and Bobby Sheen sound good on it Always pick up on them though when I get home and have a listen to these wigan tunes - then they end up doing my head in all night when I cant remember who they are!! Grant
  7. [ this is the last one honest sorry if this has bugged anyone regards mark
  8. Anyone got label scans for J Grant My Heart Your Heart - Parkway Demo?-original & boot if poss please Thanks Grant
  9. sold one myself on ebay not so long ago too for around the £20-odd mark so why all of a sudden has this hiked up in price??
  10. Think this is also on the Sounds Gallery on here Mark
  11. Mark Think this is the Jimmy Raye 'Grab It' c/up - never did find out who it really is, if ever released - believe this was an acetate only - F**ckin mega record mate. Grant
  12. Mark The Volstarr that Steve refers to there is one on John M £15 - there is a soundclip but I cant play it as I am at wiork - the b-side of the one for sale is called 'Dancing' Grant
  13. Didnt know the Hibs had a book out - must tell my bro as he is a HiB. What's it called? Living down here we probably wont see it for sale Pars fan myself (after my beloved MCFC) - did the Pars crew ever bring a book out ?? Not been up to Fife in years - is tehre any good soul nites run there that should I go up to see relatives this summer that I could attend??
  14. Neither will I Ken
  15. Definitely locals - was particularly bad walking from the station just as the pubs spilled out - one in particular if I remember right was the Bees Knees or something near the station. Usually they picked on ones or twos. Also was a big fight outside one night when the Casino was full of punks before the all-niter, think the punk band Chelsea were on live that night. Kicked off with only a few of us outside early doors against 100 or so of them, then the reinforcements came in the shape of a coachload from Scotland! Walking from Piccadilly bus stn in Manchester down to Victoria train stn could also be a bit daunting circa 77/78 when punks were rife in Manchester. Why punks and soulies didnt get on still puzzles me as we were both into underground scenes and not the run of the mill pop crap etc and all that went with it - poxy night clubs etc. Remember not telling my parents any of these goings-on as I was a mere 15yr old at the time. Also remember being good mates with a few Leeds hoolies at Wigan and agreeing to avoid each other when MCFC played them!!
  16. I think Chris' point on the prices that pressings go for has come down a lot though, even MOR stuff like Ronnie Love, Flirtations NBAH, Seven Day Fool, Leave Me Alone, etc that were fetching silly money a year or so back can be picked up a lot cheaper now Grant
  17. Thanks for the Temptones mate Any others anyone?? Grant
  18. anyone got decent mp3 recordings of the following please:- Lee Meza - One Good Thing Leads To Another Kelly St Clair - Hear That Beat Temptones - Thats When You Know Your In Love c/up Bell Bros - Give It Up Thanks in advance Grant
  19. got the t-shirt on that one mate - very well put
  20. Great dancer Mark, cheep as chips, and a great drum rift for 100mph spins at the start and middle - b-sides ok too mate Grant

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