Used to go to the early sessions prior to the all-niters on the saturdays - not oldies dj's but probably people given a chance to spin some stuff, used to hear some great stuff in there at the time. Then during the all-niter it used to re-open about 3-ish to take the pressure of the main room. Mainly oldies in there - Youngblood Smith, Ace Cannon, Shalimars, always spring to mind. Didnt really spend much time in there as was too small and always overcrowded. Preferred the main room at the time due to Mr Searling and Alan Rhodes plays at the time.
The corridor outside M's was always a good chill-out area if you wanted to have a conversation with someone without having to shout above the speakers in either room!
Also remember buying some cheapies in there one night during the pre-allniter session - Carl Spencer-Cover Girl/Turley Richards-I Feel Alrite /Dawn-Baby's Gone Away/Inspirations - Your Wish Is My Command & Ronnie Forte - Whiskey Talkin' - to name but a few - all less than a tenner each!