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Everything posted by grant

  1. Always rated this - superb building song and fabulous vocals - first heard it about 12 yrs ago
  2. Jeez that's awful
  3. Was Mike Vickers 'On The Brink' cover up, and it goes something like this....
  4. Ditto Mandy - I did go wigan in the late 70's but Droylsden for me was a top venue, great dancefloor and good dj's who included Mark Robinson, Roger Banks, Butch, Guy Hennigan, Mark Bicknell and many more who graced the place - never missed one! Hyde all-niters and soul nites (Thursdays) at the Hyde Botanical were also brilliant. Grant
  5. Used to always finish with Gene Stridel - Tomorrow Is Another Day - PURE CLASS
  6. Here's the instrumental - great record IMHO If you need anymore sounds let me know Grant
  7. There's hundreds mate - I'll add a few good storming instrumentals:- Chaumonts - Now You've Gone Luther Ingram - Exus Trek Markets - Stirring Up Some Soul Soul Bros In - All The Time King Errison - Zola Sounds of Lane - Tracks To Your Mind Doni Burdick -Bari Track ...to name but a few
  8. In the gym on my mp3 - George Cameron - My Heart Tells Me So - no it doesnt sound like Lost Souls - Secret Of Mine Gloria Taylor - Total Disaster Goldie & Escorts - I Cant Be Free Emanuel Laskey - Dont Lead Me On Jan Foreman - Your Last Chance Jades - I Know The Feeling and many other crackers Most of them thanks to fellow soul-sourcers for banging them on here for me So C'mon - who's got the slower version of Hayes Cotton's 'I'll Be Waiting ' on mp3 or :- Yvonne Vernee - Does He Love Me Anymore - mp3 desperately wanted Diane Minor - I'm Gonna Walk Must have on mp3 for my hols in a couple of weeks
  9. will do mate - Gill's married with kids - she hasnt changed much though! my next nite not sure - probably sometiem in July - Stockport Guild Hall maybe - might even try a Middleton niter and catch up with Soultown Andy. Grant
  10. Thinks there's one on Joe Dunlops latest list fro £450 - seen it for around £300 lately though.
  11. Ujima track Ujima___I_m_Not_Ready.mp3
  12. No your'e not going daft Paul - but you can here a clip on John Manships site Mark - any chance of putting up the full track?Grant
  13. yeah not the one though mate
  14. Did say slower version in my post Neil lad - but 100% for effort mate C'mon someone must have it
  15. Good track! Heard 'Heartbeat' or something like that by them - sounds a bit like the Rubettes - was priced around £40 on ABC Grant
  16. No Neil this is the fast version - its the slower one I'm after - I did have it on the flip to Black Wings Grant
  17. Kin-ell Salmon - how are you mate - do remember Ross, sad note that one mate. Also remember Sean and Billy from, Rochdale. Gill - are you on about the Gill that used to come with us - still see her now and again mate. Rumour that Cheesey died but never had confirmation - was told by both Russ and Mickey Power. Wish I had a picture of them pants! They were the biz Are you still going to soul nites? I was djing at the Stockport Guild Hall up until December when I 'retired'. Got fed up of everyone asking me for Prionce and Princess!!!! Funny thing about that record though a girl came up to me one night there and asked for it - said everywhere she went no-one had it or had heard of it so she was utterly amazed when I pulled it out the case and spun it for her. Didnt tell her the record title stole its name from a pair of pants worn by a handsome young youth many years ago Be good to see you again mate. Grant
  18. Remember Siz now - didnt he used to dj at the Carousel/Belle Vue? Tony Justs - used to buy all me stuff (incl lots of boots in those days) from him. Used to be another market stall in the undergound sold some Northern too, although mainly punk stuff - they used to have records/sleeves all over the walls. Me and Tim got surrounded by punks there once - hilarious - bullshitted our way out of it though.
  19. Agree Top Bloke - always helpful on the few times I've spoke to him or his staff on the phone, 100% satisfaction guaranteed with records I've bought form him................now how about that 50% discount card John Grant
  20. Ah, must know you then Andy - who is siz? The pants did become quite infamous c78 at the Casino mate. Yes youre right Michelle did have a flat in Salford, remember us dropping her off there once - she used to go out with my mucker Tim. You may also have known Ady Reeves from our neck of the woods (Cheadle Hulme) and the Romiley crowd we knocked abiut with - Lloyd, Cheesey, Russ, and Gasser
  21. Hey they were cool Mandy - stsarted a bit of a craze off - a lad called Gary from Newcastle did the same - think his related to what was then the Nightwatch c/up - Ellingtons - Lips To Your Heart. My excuse or mitagating circumstances is that I was only 16 at the time
  22. # Had mine for years Pete - took it as common knowledge that it was issued on UK - you're right - you live n learn mate
  23. Dunno Mandy - always knew him as Mildoo - hung around near Sandy corner - knew most of his brigade. Think he collected LP's. He was a mate of Dave Holland and Anita And the sod used to take the p**s out of my balck baggies with 'Prince & Princess' embroiderd on the patch pockets!
  24. anyone see/rememeber Michelle at the Casino - she lived in Salford, ginger hair in pigtails? also - couple of girls I went out with at Wigan - Sylvia from Ripon - hung around with the Leeds crowd, and Terry from Wigan - anyone know them/seen them? Saw Anita from Oldham about 5yrs ago now, not seen Dave Holland since Wigan. Another lad we used to know well at the Casino was Mildoo - think he came from Bolton? Grant

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