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Everything posted by grant

  1. a CD would be great Mark - make sure you put that Preston Peters track on it mate
  2. Only familiar with disc 3 Mark - not sure if I've heard t'other two Grant
  3. Just getting all out of hand this one - personally don't know Kev from Adam, never met him , only been to one or two of his nites, got his top 500 book ete etc. Was a very inetersting thread, should have been kept open IMO, but some of the very best comments came from Mark Bicknell....I'm sorry but all the back-biting, bitchiness, big egos, etc are some of the reasons that drove me away from dj-ing at our local venues, and leading me to sell my collection, and, god forbid, drive me away from the scene altogether... as MB says 'Keep the Faith' Grant p.s. c'mon Fluff give me some 'Oldies for the Day' I need cheering up!
  4. A spin from the latter days of the Casino Dave
  5. yeah it's naff Mark
  6. Cheers Chalky - here's another one by PP - You'd Better Wake Up' - quite similar to 'Can't Measure Love' - just need mp3 of the elsuive 'Cant Measure Love'
  7. Nice one Edwin - christ now to think of it it does sound like Got To Have Peace of Mind Grant mp3's of either anyone?
  8. first time i've heard that - nice track indeed - can see why it was c/up as Jesse Davis
  9. just realised the first one is the Atlantics - Baby I Need You
  10. 2 brilliant tracks not heard in years, but dont know who they are - anyone identify them ?? - both are played by Keb at Stafford -- and if poss proper mp3's please Thanks Grant keb_tracks_1_and_2.mp3
  11. Thanks Chalky
  12. Anyone out there with mp3s of the following:- Marilyn Barbarin - Just A TYeenager Explosive Dynamics - Whole Lotta Lovin' Thanks Grant
  13. yeah but what i mean Andy is where djs play it safe all nite just to fill the floor and guarantee their next booking ..... the all-niter i am on about played moses smith and similar at least 3 times in the same bleedin' nite mate, lets put it another way the only tune that half emptied the floor was Youngblood Smith, the rest of thetunes were all very much played out oldies (& that awful Baby A Go-Go!!)...nowt wrong with refueling the floor if you have emptied it
  14. Listed on Manship on RCA Baz for a tenner but unforturnately no sound clip with it Grant
  15. On the flipside of keeping dancefloors filled it can have the negative effect on the music policy all night e.g. do we have to listen to Moses Smith, Frank Wilson, and other oldies all night just to keep the floor packed where you can't move? Just love it when something like Little Johnny Hamilton, Pat Powdrill etc is played just to clear the floor a bit and give me some room! Whatever the venue, whatever the music, whoever the dj's there will always be those who enjoyed and those who didn't, but if it was that bad as in the case of one ceratin big all-niter I went to a year or so back you just don't go again. And I dont believe in slagging the promoters or whoever off for the nite as most would have put a good bit of work into making it happen Grant
  16. for some reason it wont play on winamp?
  17. Can I listen to the show on-line Mark?
  18. Thanks Chalky Another one to add to the mp3 playleist for my hols! Grant
  19. No sound file mate
  20. Ta Simon
  21. Few nice tunes......... Jan_Foreman___Your_Last_Chance.mp3 Bob_Marshall___You_Got_Me_Crying.mp3
  22. Anyone got mp3's of the following please:- Kelly Michaels - I Need Him Combinations - I'm Gonna Make You Love Me Tommy Bush - Come On Now Thanks Grant

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