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Everything posted by grant

  1. My first stab at dj-ing was for Mark Robinson at the Riverside club in Hyde - late 80's. Remember being pleased with myself when a young lady came up and told me it was the best spot she'd heard in years. Remember some of the stuff I played that night as I had just been down to Richard Domars to collect them.... Cheryl Grey - You Dont Love Me Anymore Freddie Williams - I Got To Live While I Can Inspirations - Your Wish Is My Command Linda Lloyd - Breakaway Cry Baby Cry - Sweet Nothings Freddie Scott - Mr Heartache Susan Rafey - Hurt So Bad Turley Richards - I Feel Alright Hayes Cotton - I'll Be Waiting Ray Merrell - Tears of Joy p.s didn't use the mike once as was frightended to death!!
  2. Steve If you click on teh Coops picture on the frontpage it will give you a list then of other galleries posted - just click on the ones you want then for all the pics Grant
  3. mmm....true
  4. Could be worse mate, could be the 'time warp brigade' in the baggy pants and bowling shirts...not foregtting the beer towels... (you know who you are ) that do the rounds around the soul nites
  5. That's interesting info Dave, thanks for that. Originally known as the Valumes or is it a mis-spell?
  6. Why do you ask Mike....have you received a sealed LP that looks as though it has been round the houses? Coz I did once, therefore I could only assume taht it had been re-sealed, label was bit knacked but the vinyl played ok (surface marks only, but evidence that it was 'used') so wasnt too concerned, took the trouble to query it with the seller just to make a point but received no reply so left him no feedback. Grant
  7. Talc......yes for top spinners like me it is necessary, however in regulated doses! Makes me laugh when people throw the full bottle on the floor and then you can't tell the difference bewteen if they are dancing or merely have a nervous twitch The cleaners I feel sorry for! But come on Baz ---- dancefloor and drinks....No Way :angry:
  8. Always been a massive fan of 'I Just Cant Help Myself' and had a copy since late 70's when it was played at the Casino. The flip is of cousre a decent tune too 'One Way Lover' Grant
  9. Ah you see, should have done what me and my mate did - he was staying at my house, and I was staying at his house ....as far as the ma's n pa's knew. But they still havent caught on yet
  10. guilty of buying it blind when it first got pressed Baz...very disappointer to say the least....utter shite probably more accurate
  11. you did go to the casino of course dodger
  12. think there's been discussions of sorts about this on previous posts Baz, also about the piss-takers who frequent our soul nites, which is fine if they don't mind someone twatting them in the process if they take it a bit too far. (non-soulie locals - btw not stereotyping them in any way as many non-soulies I have taken to soul nites have come away saying it was the best nite they had in years)
  13. It's not just about our scene trhough is it Baz...drinks on a dancefloor, c'mon it's asking for trouble....f****n 'ell it's not you on the pics is it?? And yes did try asking someone nicely when they were bouncing about piossed with a bottle in his hand and banging against the record decs, only to be greeted with a smart arse comment...my next tact wasnt so polite!
  14. might not be because of the pint though Karen...maybe he's dropped one
  15. dont stand for that Mark ..........................you don't do you?
  16. .....and on the 1st pic waving to his mate across the other end of the dancefloor
  17. Timebox mp3 just PM's by Ricky (soulfoul hound) ....thanks mate
  18. what's 'Another Kind Of Fellow' on UK Sue like by her? Any good?
  19. maybe could have been sub-categorised into Northern, x-over, deep soul etc to make searching/regferencing a bit easier....but good fun to trawl thru' all the same.
  20. knew you'd back me up Mark...which reminds me don't forget the cd with Libra/Susan Shirley when you get chance mate
  21. Just looked on JM's site Pete and he has this listed at £25 with the black logo (as poer your pic) - also lists a copy with white logo but doesn't have one for sale so no price. Wouldn't have thought something like this would have been booted anyweay, so likely to be original? Grant
  22. many thanks
  23. Joking apart though - yes RW did play some shite (whio doesn't?) - but he did also play some stormers in his sets at WC....c'mon Mr Freeman, back me on this one
  24. Been mentioned on here before but just want to thank Coops for his fantastic photo sets that he posts from venues around the country. Great shots and good fun! The latest show a 'shameless' with his pint pot on the dancefloor, not only is it anti-social but f*****n dangerous. Keep the pics coming Coops
  25. Take it that's a No

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