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Everything posted by grant

  1. fast drumming intro, with great beat - dont think it got booted Dave. Think original is on Correctone? At last someone who remembers it
  2. think we are only supposed to be naming cheapish tunes mate
  3. Pat sung two suoperb northern tunes (flips arent bad eitehr) 'Together Forever' and the brilliant 200mph 'Do It' (well I can keep up to it - iused to always clear the floor with this ) what a sad story, and she was real looker in her day wasnt she, didnt realise she was one of the Ikettes!!
  4. I was and it was a great tune then, but it wasn't a floorfiller admit, but then again I always preferred that type of less hammered material . Mr Rhodes used to spin it too with a lot of lesser known stuff (the gimps used to be asleep by then )
  5. The Globeliters - The Way You Do.....brilliant
  6. can you post a soundclip up Ken?
  7. Disagree with all of you and agree with Mark, f*****n great dancer at the time, one for the boyz! Soulful it isnt but then again neither is a lot of the shite they play today... and yes Pete is right it was the Bob Segar System although there is obviously teh Bob Segar Silver Bullet Band, not sure where Richard got 'System' from?
  8. you wanna gear the intro of her ' Does He Love Me Anymore' --awesome...that'll certainly get you up on the floor - never heard it played out since wigan and dont come across many folk that know of it
  9. Righteous Bros - Its Up To You (LP track) get it for next to nowt!!
  10. yeah one big one
  11. i had that boot too Ken, very poor sound quality if I remember right - bought it at wigan off the infamous stall upstairs for quid
  12. they shouldnt have 'em on the dancefloor then
  13. very clear Mark
  14. know what you mean Bazza, and probably who. used to do the 'acrobatics' bit but was more martial arts stuff, long gone now that stuff. Dont get me wrong I like uptempo stuff eg Pat Powdrill, COD's etc to dance to and anything with a good bit in it for fast spins - (still do the odd high kick though ---but with legs straight
  15. Interesting one this Gene, it does sound a bit later than 60's, sort of progressive rock if thats the correct phrase from the early to mid-seventies. the heavy-ish guitars in the background etc. Why does everyone assume 60's - you may be right.
  16. if its a boot and they are offering £150 then your quids in mate If its an original keep hold of it. Can you scan it, describe matrix detail on run out etc? The soul detectives will be able to tell if original or not from that Grant
  17. Hi Mark Pretty sure she was on post-76 as I think I saw her there and I didnt start going until 77 mate. The tracks also suggest latera s I was certainly there the first time Searling spun Betty Boo & Cecil Washington as Joe Matthews. Have you got that Wigan Casino book? should tell you in there - I'll have a look later. Grant
  18. The Fall - Ghost In My House
  19. nice tune....one of my all time fave girlie recs Grant
  20. MM's great track Nick....some that certainly get me up are:- International GTOs - I Love My Baby COD's - She's Fire Steve Karmen - Breakaway Grant
  21. Pinky and Perky - whatever happened to them? Are they still alive?
  22. Think you might be right Eddie as remember buying the boot blind...awful record IMO. It actually surprised me that D-9 was spun at wigan as remember hearing it for the first time in the mid 80's being spun by Roger Banks I think Grant
  23. played it out a few times 2 or 3 yrs ago, always fills the floor
  24. just started to go to wigan then, only one I cant remember is Black & Ward
  25. was also booted on Gator wasnt it?

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