If its down to attendance only then I have to strongly disagrree.
Music policy will shape how popular a venue is plus ease of access.
Stoke All nighters as a nostalgia trip are successful, 1500 plus attend, including myself.
However if I want to hear semi knowns / underplayed I'll travel to Aylesbury or Wellingborough. (Both are relatively local for me)
Both venues are undervalued IMO and worthy of more recognition.
The best 2 days I had recently were at the Northampton weekender.
The live acts were superb but attendance was not the over riding factor.
If I'm seeing this through rose coloured glasses perhaps Jo, Paddy or any other DJ could put me right?
Bottom line I'll try and support anyone who has the balls to organise a function.
Some venues will die but there will always be that hidden gem- just like the music!