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Everything posted by Soulagogo

  1. Agree. It’s the unusual label that I was trying to find out more about. I reckon it’s Rare but obviously not worth a lot , due to the artist.
  2. Both sides. Is it collectible to James brown collectors?
  3. My mate has replied Both sides are Rap pt 1. Never seen it listed have you ever seen a red mojo logo?
  4. My mate showed it me yesterday I,m sure it’s Rap pt 2 on other side going to message him will let you know .
  5. Brother rap on both sides not hey America ! And red label on one side
  6. *Thanks for input. I can only see hey America listed. So where’s this from ? See attached. Nobody would go to the trouble of redding all typo! Other side is same tune but normal Mojo colour
  7. *Thanks for input. I can only see hey America listed. So where’s this from ? See attached. Nobody would go to the trouble of redding all typo! Other side is same tune but normal Mojo colour
  8. John Have asked my mate to send me a photo , may be that will throw some light I don’t expect it to worth much be intrigued ,like you never seen one Richard
  9. Thanks my mate showed a James brown single on mojo with red mojo Same song on each side could it be a demo. Definitely not felt tip
  10. Has any body ever seen any artist on mojo label with Mojo in RED ?
  11. Same here. Just ignored. Gilly wouldn’t be begging Richard
  12. Not to long ago. uniques Paula Ex £15 Hand it over Chuck Jackson Vg Wand £10 Your such A sweet thing The Marvellos Vg Loma Demo £15 Bless your soul The Dreamlovers VG Mercury Demo £20 One more night El Chicano Ex MCA Uk £20 Sold If I only knew then Jimmy soul Clark Ex Karen Demo £15 Just your fool Eddie Whitehead / Love is a trap Cleveland Robinson Ex Alley Cat £18 That Lonely Night George Jackson Ex Double R Records £18 R &B time pt 1 / pt 2 Rodney Jones Vg Tuff ist issue £50 Panic is on Roy Hamilton Ex Stardust £15 Postage £3 PM if interested Thanks Richard
  13. Have a look on discogs it’s all there
  14. Hi have got Tempest CD. With extra tracks on in Ex condition £ 30 including postage Reply if wanted Thanks Richard
  15. Very professional concert , wish I was there
  16. Thanks for help Richard
  17. Assuming. It’s an original in ex condition what does Blowing my mind on Yellow label go for Cheers Richard
  18. Thanks I’ll let him know
  19. Selling for a mate . Jackie Lee Darkest Days ABC Ex delta 73393 first issue Luther Ingram Exus Trexus. HIB Ex Orange reissue Pm me if interested with max you would pay will be able get scan if required Thanks Richard
  20. Leeds will be back hopefully, when who knows maybe the Arabs will bank role us ? MOT
  21. Remember. Move on up and. free for all being played sounded great on the waltzers
  22. Dave entirely Agee , just a shame it might never come to fruition
  23. Said before. What a compilation LP it would be . Must be somebody that interested in compiling!
  24. Thanks Chalky. I agree would make a great compilation, may be our Kent friends would consider? Richard
  25. Obviously a no ! Looking at feedback

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