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Everything posted by boba

  1. that seller is alan kitchener btw, I think he mainly sells to move on some doubles he has
  2. The knights doesn't show up. I paid I think 400 pounds on it in sales here. I was satisfied. If I were in the UK with access to people's boxes I probably could have gotten it cheaper but it never comes up on ebay or other places I look at least. I still don't own a copy of the Idols, I think the last USA soul group record I don't have... obviously tons of R&B on USA I don't have though, so many impossible titles on the label.
  3. it's a detroit record. hard record, lucky find.
  4. so now you want less packaging? when i send postage with Endicia (service that lets me print postage online) I can hide the amount from being displayed on the label, it just says "US Postage And Fees Paid". Unless they have some other way of getting postage amounts, it seems arbitrary that they would include the amount in the calculation just for the cases where people printed it without hiding the amount.
  5. it depends on the type of label paper, etc. paper restoration is a field in of itself. an eraser can be useful but it basically just rubs off a layer of the paper. If used lightly it can be helpful. But you can end up with the colored layer of the paper taken off leaving white where the stain was or you can even erase through the label to the vinyl.
  6. can't you still hit him up for records?
  7. what happened to him?
  8. also it's the internet. it's not real. why care?
  9. thank you. google was not helpful.
  10. what does "good arrer" mean (or is it a typo)?
  11. I'm not 100% sure on this (I am possibly mis-remembering), but I think that when I send registered to the UK I can track it until entry in the UK via the USPS website. Once in the UK you can track it using the same number off the UK website. I could possibly be wrong, but did you try doing that? Thanks.
  12. seller has put remaining items on ebay -- locking thread. p.s. i apologize for anyone he didn't respond to.
  13. i'm not in the UK so i don't know how this works, but did you try contacting / dealing with customs?
  14. you know what this song is about right? it's a (mostly) pro-busing song. one of the only other songs i can think of on the subject is the Greer Bros "we don't dig no busing". i saw the good times episode about this the other day, it was funny because they were talking about being bused to the north side but cabrini green (where the show is supposedly set) is on the north side.
  15. myles is sherman myles, one of the group members. I think Otis Hayes ran the Paree and Peaches label (each of which has at least one other release).
  16. deep album only cut
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4kRZV9xD10
  18. technically you didn't "win" the auction -- he cancelled your bid before he ended it right? that is different than if you win and they don't sell.
  19. since this thread is just "name a good soul LP" I will add Chuck Jackson on ABC, Whispers "Bingo", and most of Lamont Dozier's records.
  20. I don't know how to do that, if Mike does that it would be great. Dave Thorley wrote a great letter too. Thanks.
  21. I have this on my private sales list, which I try to not post publicly, but in this case the artist needs money and I'm selling for him so I'm trying to get as much exposure as possible. PLEASE EMAIL OFFERS TO SITPSALES@GMAIL.COM. Notations - Now I know / I don't want to be late - Cash 3669 - Offers over $500 The vinyl is G+, conservatively. Both sides are very glossy with only light to medium scuffing. It plays much worse than it looks, probably due to the quality of the vinyl. The label on the "Now I know"Â side is slightly dirty, probably could be cleaned with some water. The label on "I don't want to be late"Â is entirely covered with writing. But the writing is awesome because it's all the writing of the lead singer flirting with a girl (he had given her this copy and later gotten it back). Super-rare, killer Chicago record that has a 70s northern / crossover side and a sweet soul side. In demand by rare soul DJs as well as by sweet soul collectors. I have never ever seen this for sale and don't know of anyone finding this in Chicago (I'm sure someone has but it's very rare). I got my personal copy in trade with a UK record dealer. It unfortunately plays with some crackle but visually is not bad, so it's probably the vinyl itself. A rare chance to get this 45. https://www.sittinginthepark.com/sales/8-2012/notations.mp3 I will let all people who make offers know what the high offer is whenever it changes. If two days pass after the final offer with no new offers, the record is sold. Thanks for your interest.
  22. BUMP -- please, this is a fairly simple thing that everyone here can do to help a real artist who made some great soul music. Thanks to anyone who wrote a letter already, but this is a more productive use of a half hour or hour than, say, debating OVO or a venue. You may not like me but this is all to benefit someone who is unfairly imprisoned (and who has been in prison for a long time) who made great music. Thanks.
  23. The people who started Dusty Groove were two DJs from my radio station. One of them was one of the original rap DJs to play rap in Chicago in the early 80s (he only retired recently ... rap on chicago radio was very rare until like '86 as chicago was all house music), the other DJ did a show called "The Dusties Party" where he played Soul / Funk / Breaks. Not sure who came up with the term "Dusties", but Art Laboe in LA is known for coming up with the term "Oldies".

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