Hi, here is my latest Sitting in the Park music show. I played some nice early soul, midtempo girl groups, and sweet soul from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. You can listen to the show at:
You can listen to other shows and interviews with Chicago groups by going to my main page www.sittinginthepark.com. Also, if someone you know wants to subscribe to this email list, they can add themselves at the following URL:
Playlist follows and thanks for your interest.
Bobby John - Lonely Soldier - Sony
Earl Wright - I don’t know - Virgo
HIC’s - This is the night - Adams
Bobby Parker - Do the monkey - Southern Sound
David Dayton and the Colos - I gotta have love - Lomar
Autographs - Sad sad feeling - Loma
Carol Mogan - I know where I stand - Born
Rosalind Madison - Neighborhood girl - Liberty
Chordells - Yea-yea - Tigre
Mary Wright - I was a fool - Kim
Barbara Mason - Oh how it hurts - Arctic
Jeanette Williams - Mr. Soft Touch - Back Beat
Sandy Cleveland - We love together - Bandit
Tonny Hymes - Time ain’t gonna do me no favor - Azbill
Loretha Vanover - I’m here to give it to you - Chas-Ann
Lovers - One way to love - Frantic
C-Quents - Dearest one - Essica
Volumes - I’m gonna miss you - Garu
125th Street Candy Store - Tables have turned - Uptite
Royalettes - Gonna take a miracle - MGM
Mahdi and Tracy Kerr - Who are you - Indy 5
Turning Point - Deeper in love - Turning Point
Joe Brown - Mr. Magic Man - W
Reggie Walker - So glad I found you - Br-Roma