I totally disagree. There are a million threads calling out sellers, sometimes unfairly. None of those sellers asked for their auctions to be posted. This thread was a positive thread praising (and effectively advertising) his auctions. I bet he wouldn't have complained at that point. This led to the question about the exact same auctions with photos showing up in popsike -- a very legitimate question and that raises red flags. He responded after the question was asked and chose to ignore it. You're saying because he posted his phone number and responded to other questions that people should just ignore that issue?
People post "buyer beware" threads all the time, often unfairly (or at least based on very loose speculation), and nobody demands those threads be closed. Now that the seller comes on here and responds and gives his phone number, ignoring a real issue, that makes it okay? It's not random complaining / accusations. If he has a legitimate explanation I'm very sorry to have cast doubt on his auctions, and I even said so when repeating the question. But I have a hard time understanding how the popsike thing happens otherwise aside from shill bidding and relisting.