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Everything posted by boba

  1. it works sometimes. if you can clean a record well enough that the skip isn't caused by dirt, it rarely will work.
  2. my new thing is obsessively getting rid of tattered sleeves or those old green fadey cardboard things. I can't believe I had like 4 figure records in sleeves where the paper isn't connected and they're sliding out. I've been buying heavyweight gold sleeves for more expensive records and heavy white sleeves (which actually cost more) to replace tattered sleeves. I hate outer card sleeves or outer plastic.
  3. the billy shelves look good with 45s, I will try to take a pic of a shelf and post it so you can see what it looks like full
  4. it highly depends on what amount of 45s you intend to own. how many do you have now and what is the maximum expected size of your collection? expedit is definitely only useful for LPs. If you're going with Ikea, I use Billy bookshelves, they look good, you can set extra levels so that there is little wasted space, and I recently found that you can hack together two height extenders to add three more levels at the top (assuming your ceiling is high enough).
  5. i guess different people have different approaches, but when i don't have a record and need it, i avoid drawing attention to until i have it.
  6. the producers of the show were selling dvds a few years back, with the stipulation that you don't copy or post any of the video. that didn't last long. wayne cochran's signature was his white pompadour, he has the same hairstyle throughout his career, even when he was on JB's future shock. his whole thing was being the white james brown.
  7. i haven't seen this but man are there a lot of crappy mardi gras 45s late in a lot of nola artists' careers
  8. hit in chicago. along with sly slick wicked "sho nuff". they had that chicago sound. don't think either record got play anywhere else.
  9. What you're saying is true, but it's almost never the case that the skip comes from a pressing fault. Once I had a record where I tried to fix the skip though and I found a bunch of grooves literally going nowhere, like they were pressed like the = - with two grooves going into one, it was crazy.
  10. I bought like 4 different sizes of exacto knives, including the smallest size. Is that the same thing as an "artist scalpel"? I bought them at an art supply store. Grooves are surprisingly thin, much more than it would seem from looking at a record regularly. You can only really see them under 60x magnification. Were you using a 60x magnifier? Using something wider than a groove (like a sharp pencil) will fix the problem, it just leaves a gouge mark.
  11. rarity isn't value though. you think it's quality enough to be valuable? because liz has a bunch of other crappy 45s (not an indictment of her, she was a great singer).
  12. it probably is. I got one of the "mint" stock copies and it had some marks. unplayed doesn't necessarily mean mint.
  13. you need a good magnifier but a scalpel is like 4-5 grooves wide. you can use it to fix a skip but it's sort of like taking a bulldozer to remove a weed and leaves a big gouge mark. you need a really tiny needle. i do fix skips for people.
  14. one bump (only one) to say this is still available and I'm throwing in free shipping. goes back in the box if nobody wants it, but trades also considered.
  15. I have a copy of Geraldine Hunt - (Two can live) Cheaper than one (the big lie) / He's for real - Bombay 4501 for sale. It is the nicer vinyl black label press. Really nice but forgotten northern on the same label as the Fascinators and Flash McKinley. A-side is VG, nice gloss, just some scuffs and general wear. B-side is VG-, pretty much the same condition but has a surface mark NAP. Nice labels, plays great. $100. $3 shipping US, $12 overseas. Paypal gift only but you can deduct fees if they apply. Email me at SITPSales@gmail.com to reserve the record. Here are full quality stereo audio files of both sides, recorded with a grado red cartridge: https://www.divshare.com/download/24076562-701 https://www.divshare.com/download/24076568-23d Here are 300DPI scans of each side:
  16. I would be glad to hear it in an ad and have people get paid significantly on it. Anyone have a link to the ad?
  17. why is keeping prices expensive is doing a great service to collectors? I understand why a dealer would want to do it.
  18. it's not unusual for styrene records to play differently with different types of carts (e.g. conical vs. spherical or mono vs. stereo) as the needles ride differently in the grooves. In one case the needle might be hitting a damaged part of the groove but not in another.
  19. not that i'd get any credit for it, but i first played this for rob and suggested it for the first kiddie comp
  20. I agree that it is not acceptable to not answer PMs
  21. I don't see a problem with his posts. I think he's willing to take offers on records in his collection, it's not his whole collection is for sale and he has to type up thousands of records to put in the sales forum. Also, I post in the thread and PM when someone has a want because if they don't follow through other people can PM me if they are interested. I have gotten titles as a buyer from sellers who have posted in a thread and gotten blown off by the buyer.
  22. i have a yellow styrene copy and just won the maroon styrene copy pictured in the first link. the logos are the same weird scripty font.
  23. also, just wanted to say that i would have chosen all your answers as "best answer" if I could. YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!
  24. well now I have an extra label variation i guess... thanks everyone
  25. also, just to clarify, Jerry Townes is the same person as Jerry Brown (which is what he was known as the Dutones member).

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