I don't want to be ultra-negative here, but I would suggest that before buying this book someone looks through a copy before dropping the $$$. I was going to buy them and was at a friend's house and he started complaining about it. The thing is rife with errors -- obviously any discographical attempt will have errors, but this thing would have, for common labels with many known titles, only two entries, combined with some entries from totally unrelated labels from different time periods. The information in the book was so sparse (missing so much really basic information) that I would consider it not useful at all for a serious collector. Also, the person who was complaining about it to me runs one of those regional discographical websites and said that information was completely stolen verbatim from his site with no credit. All I have to say is that it's a pretty big investment to buy this book, so someone considering it should look at one of them first. Thanks.