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Everything posted by boba

  1. seems accurate for North American Jamaican dealers selling soul (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions). Easy to spot because "rare" will get spelled as REAR.
  2. Hi everyone. Here is a link to my show: https://www.sittinginthepark.com/10-14-2007.mp3 Here is a playlist: Otis Busch - Can I depend on you? - Jerhart Channels - You can count on me - Groove Victorians - I want to belong to you - Rowena Majestics - Unhappy and Blue - Chex Drapers - Your love has gone away - Gee Joe Bataan - Special Girl - Uptite Paramounts - Under your spell - Magnum Tempos - Gotta make a move - Montelle Michelle Mark-kays - My sweet baby - TCB Hollidays - Happy young man - Holliday Spice of live - I hear a melody - Ref-o-ree Implements - I wish it were me - Phillips Edettes - A chance in you - Jewel Mad lads - Why - Mark-fi Deliverance - Loving you - United Soul Rising Sun - Let me in - Kingston Dramatics - Now you got me loving you - Volt Greg Pitts - Dedicated to you - Sound Plus Eugene Record - Love don't live by sex alone - WB Sir Wales Wallace - Why should we stay together - Now Sound Maurice Jackson - Don't stop saying you love me - Parrall Klas - Break your promise - Saraha thanks, Bob
  3. Dude, this is way funnier -- he's lip synching as a 59 year old man to his 14 year old pre-puberty voice. Ken: I got it to play on a bunch of computers. Can you get any youtube clips to play at all? You might have to upgrade your flash on your computer. It's worth seeing if you can get it working, it's very funny.
  4. This is from my friend's cable TV show "Chic-A-Go-Go", words cannot describe how over the top this is. Henry Ford is on at about 7:55
  5. boba


    I have to say, I've seen that username on ebay but generally not noticed it much because they win very few records. If you just search items they won, it's a relatively small number... The users I get frustrated over are the ones that consistently outbid me. I was just shocked to see how many thing this person actually bid on when I searched, I've never seen such a "serious" ebayer not snipe.
  6. Tom Tom has a lot of $$$ from the Phil Collins stuff he did in the 80s. Can't say that means he's on drugs. Did you know a lot of the pharoahs played on those records too?
  7. Thanks again for all the feedback, I will be doing and posting another all music show tomorrow (an interview fell through...). Thanks.
  8. I don't know what it is, but I can tell it's gonna be expensive given this list, which is already like a list of people's number one wants!
  9. the lesser condition valentinos is still available, will do $100. Last bump before this goes into my trade box. Thanks.
  10. haha, I don't know if this counts because it's not what you think of the as the 70s mizell "sound" but definitely the mizell bros production: Moments "I want you" on hog. At least it fits in with this message board more...
  11. Just to clarify, you're saying that the difference is that a "counterfeit" was pressed at the time of release to pass off onto the regular record buying public and a "bootleg" is pressed later for some other specialized market, right? Am I stating what you are saying correctly? Probably in doowop terms, the "bootleg" would be called a "repro". Once more thing I wanted to clarify, by the way, is that the Jay Gee distribution of the first volumes record still has the "sheldon" stamp. I don't know why a copy pressed at the time this record came out wouldn't (obviously there are different runs, etc. so it might I guess). I'm pretty sure that at least the record I posted, which is not the first Volumes 45, is a "boot". I obviously have not produced evidence of a boot of the first one besides one person's word. It's funny because at this point we're not going to agree, and it's not going to matter much since it's such a worthless record it's easily replacable as an original, but it is funny that there are potentially fakes of something that doesn't matter. Gazman, does your copy have a sheldon stamp? You said it looks like the one I posted. Thanks.
  12. Also, I'm confused by your above statement -- what the difference between counterfeiting and bootlegging? I was using both as a copy of the original passed off as an original, are you saying that a bootleg isn't that or something? Thanks.
  13. Little Oscar is sold. One of the valentinos is sold. Other one is still available. Thanks.
  14. Hi Tony. My original press of the first one has the cream colored label with the lighter font and it say "jay-gee" on it. So at least the darker font and white label isn't an indication of that necessarily. I don't have anything else to say at this point as I'm deferring to the knowledge of the collector I got the info from. He did say that these came out of the east coast in the 70s and were passed off as originals frequently so that some people might not know about them. Obviously he might also be wrong. If anyone wants to call him he's at the Record Dugout today in the afternoon (CDT) and the number there is 773-586-1206. Obviously this is going sort of far for finding out whether a common record is a boot or not. I do know that this was a hit record, as you note, and the original seller is more likely to have an OG press than a boot of this specific title just because it was a hit. thanks, Bob
  15. what I don't understand is people here posting random overseas cover versions of "I'll be around", probably one of the best records ever released in the 70s, like they are even comparable to the original.
  16. not for sale, but here is the 45: I actually also have a white label test press of this record which I would sell you except that the record only has the other side on it (the other side is blank / flat vinyl). So if you wanted only the other side, you could PM me ...
  17. This is my boot of the 2nd volumes 45. The font is slightly darker than the originals and the labels are solid white instead of more cream colored. The vinyl is slightly heavier and the edge comes to a sharper point (the original edge is sort of flat). Also, I checked my original of the other and a small script Sheldon was stamped in the deadwax (which makes sense for where this was pressed, especially given the font). The boot I have (which is supposedly from the east coast in the 70s) has nothing stamped in the dead wax. I don't want to say that all origs will have the stamp, but I will say that if you have a sheldon stamp in the deadwax I would say it's an original.
  18. I have a recording of the group flip I can post if someone wants to hear it. I don't actually own this record though, obviously very hard to get.
  19. will post a scan when I get home in a few hours. I think the font color was darker than the bright green on the originals, but I will post a scan to confirm. Thanks.
  20. I just confirmed with Doowop collector Bob Miner that the volumes "I love you" and the "the bells" *WERE* booted. He was 100% sure on this and also said that the Majestics Gwendolyn has the same press. He says that the vinyl and font color is slightly different on the boots and that all 3 look the same. I have the boot of the second Volumes and can post a scan when I get home if you want to see what the boots look like (assuming you believe me that boots exist of "I love you"). If you don't want to believe me, I'm sure if you consult the Kreiter guide it will say the same thing. thanks, Bob
  21. Dante has this other one too, I think one of the sides are different? I forget the artist name, but it's similar, maybe abraham and something else?
  22. Another might exist, but I've also only seen the design as in the pic above too.
  23. It's exactly the same. Great cut. It's spelled "Blendors" on the label, by the way. Thanks.
  24. I think the Valumes is US also, but it's not a boot just a typo in the press. I will call the guy I talked to later today. I might have been confused with the second volumes "the bell" (which I actually own as a boot), I will report back...
  25. Doowop collectors booted all sorts of records, the collecting scene was different then as there was a big demand for "hit" records by collectors in the US and many things were booted ("Repro"d) in the 70s. I'm sure this was booted because I've been handed a copy by a doowop guy and have been told it was a boot. I will call someone and ask how to tell if it's a boot.

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