My friend and I created a website that allows for the indexing of old soul and funk performance clips that are spread across different youtube, dailymotion, etc. accounts. The site is here:
The idea is that there is a bunch of cool video content spread across the internet and I wanted to collect and accumulate it in one place and index it by artist, date, TV show, etc. So I created this forum on this site. Anyone can go to the page I linked above and view the already submitted content. If you click on the "filter" tab you can browse the existing content by artist, year, TV show, etc.
Additionally, if people want to participate and submit new content or comment and rate existing content, they can sign up on the main page at, join the channel I linked above, and then they can comment on existing videos on submit new videos by clicking the "submit" link in the upper right hand corner. This isn't a video hosting site, you just submit links to existing youtube, dailymotion, or other video hosting site videos. You can also subscribe to the channel and get an email on each new clip on the "dashboard" page.
The channel above is only intended for artist performances or real artist music videos, not recordings or fan-made videos. There is also a gospel performances channel at:
There is also a sweet soul recordings channel at:
Eventually I will let users create channels for anything they want but the site is in beta for now so they can't. But if someone wants me to create, for example, a northern soul dance clips channel, or anything else (doesn't really have to be music related even), and you think you can get people to participate, I can do that for you, pm me. Thanks.